Another Interruption(Edited)

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Note: Also edited! Jesus, this was kinda cringe. More pacing and grammar will be fixed! What was I thinking...Warning: Cuss words and mild edgy humor! Very spooky I know.


The nations sat quietly around the meeting table whilst staring at the newcomers. This kind of personification was not unheard of, sort of. Micro states like Sealand and Wy were brought into life even though one was a dock and one was barely recognized. It made much more sense for states with established economies, that rivaled revered nations like Russia, to be anthropomorphic. Although, this reasoning was pretty baseless in the beginning.

England had amnesia for a split second as he clarified the existence of the teens.

"So, let me get this clear, you are the personified states of Texas and Florida?"

Florida wrapped an arm around her taller companion down to her height with a huge grin on her face. Texas gave up trying to wrestle out of her unintentional headlock

"Mhmm! The ones and only! But we don't bite! Ain't that righ', Tex?...Actually he might!"

"Be glad yer not on my turf, folks. Pa's got more strict gun laws here..."

"Hermano! Be nice! Gotta make 'em feel the Southern good vibes!"

"I'd rather to be a part of the Southwest instead..."


The other nations paled at the south(west)ern states' banter. How were any of them America's children? Germany, eager to ask questions, spoke up.

"This has never been heard of before, sub-states would only remain...well...not alive. When did this star-"

Italy, who popped out of the ground seemingly, interrupted Germany's interrogation.

"Ve~. I wonder if there are cute girl states!"

" repeat that...I-taly..?"

All heads of the conference room swiveled to the source of the voice, a fuming American. Texas, noticing his Father's abrupt change in body language, eagerly pulls out his Colt Buntline and begins loading the barrel with the cartridge. He stands next to his 'Pa' with a look of pure bloodlust. Florida is unfazed, even picking at dirt under her nails. America finally spoke up, but his sudden shift in tone provided whiplash.

"Don't touch my daughters, you filthy Italian. If you do, I will assure your destruction economically, politically, and socially. Would be a shame if your debt were to unexpectedly fluctuate overnight, wouldn't it? Would be a shame if the mafia's influence extended over all aspects of your government, wouldn't it? Would be a SHAME if-"

"Calm down, Pa! Let me handle this kid-diddler!"

"Stand down, Tex."

"It was a joke, sir. Haha-"

Italy, shakily keeping himself standing up, nodded vigorously.

"Yes, sir!!! Please-a don't hurt-a me!"Italy frightfully whispered. His body was shaking in the death stare of the American.

America stood still for a few more seconds and composed himself, dropping his stiff figure. His eyes wide open; his smile empty of malice.

"Aw, thanks, bro! I wouldn't appreciate it if you harassed my precious girls! I know the age of consent for you is 14, but it works a bit different here in America! Hahaha!!!"

The room erupted in stiff laughter. America may act like an ignorant idiot on the outside, but, on the inside, he knows your weaknesses and how to use them to his advantage. His knowledge of military force and money makes him someone that you do not want to mess with. There's a reason why he has a lot of influence on the world; globalization is a bitch sometimes.

States, States, and more States![Being Edited!]Where stories live. Discover now