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(Haha...the title is a really sad pun...F to Carson)

Russia's POV:
So, America's states are his children, da? This would make the government infiltration easier. I wonder if the land I sold to America still remembers who I am?

The Russian glanced around the open space of a room, searching for the lady that was introduced earlier. His amethyst eyes darted back and forth. His eyebrows pierced like a hawk looking for its prey. Then, his gaze befallen on a blue-coated lady talking to two others, but their identities didn't matter to the man. His legs started to move on their own as he strides towards the girl.

"Privyet, Alaska. How has living with America been?" Russia grinned innocently as his eyes penetrated the figure of the girl. His faze never wavered and it seemed quite terrifying to the young lady.

"Oh, hello" Alaska stuttered almost inaudibly as she tried to keep steady eye contact with her past father figure. Her fingers intertwining with the long locks of her pale blonde hair.

"Mr. Russia, my life with Father has been quite exciting." She squeaked out. Her lips trembling in either embarrassment or fear.

"Oh? Is it so, da? Do you miss your old caretaker, da?" He begins to say. His gaze still fixated on the shivering Alaska. This amused him for it reminded him so much of Latvia and his reactions towards the Russian. His lips let out a light giggle as he smiled at the now semi-terrified lady.

"Stop laughing, you over-sized closet communist scum." Says a voice as it interrupts the icy tension between the cold regions. Russia quickly blinked his eyes out of surprise from the comment. His gaze lowered slightly to face a person that was conversing with Alaska before. It was Texas.

"Did you just call me 'communist'?" Russia replied, his tone dripping with bitterness.

Texas's eyes squinted angrily at the tall Russian as he placed his hands on his hips. His chocolate eyes seemed to turn darker the longer Russia stared at him.

"Chill out, bro. You're, like, acting not cool. We have, like, really important peeps here. Don't be on edge, broke." Said another masculine voice(oh god, I sometimes talk like this Lol). The voice led to a pretty tall man who was standing next to Alaska. He had light brown hair with blonde highlights and light blue eyes that seemed to be a clear blue ocean trapped in his soft eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with black lettering that says "Save the Turtles" and light red shorts made for surfing.

"You probs have, like, no idea who I am, but I'm California. 'Sup, dude." The brunette enthusiastically says with a wide grin. His teeth shined like a spotlight as it nearly blinds Russia. Now I know why America has a "Hollywood Smile", Russia thought as he maintained eye contact.

"We aren't supposed to treat this piece of unneeded garbage nice anyways; he's an evil man after all." Hissed the scornful Texan.

"Bruh, like, chill out, just because you don't like the dude doesn't mean you have to treat him so bad," Intervenes California as scolded Texas, "Besides, he ain't a communist, now."

"Fine, but if you make Alaska scared again? I'll take my revenge on you, buster." Spat Texas as he shuffled away from the small group. His face was as red as Spain's fresh tomatoes; it was either out of embarrassment, or anger, or both.

"My bro is such a weirdo," Murmured California as stared at the leaving figure of Texas. He turned to face Russia. "But, seriously, dude, your eyes were kinda shady while looking at my sis right here." He said pointing at the still body of Alaska.

"Oh, did it seem shady, da? No, no, no. I came to make peace with my former child, da." Russia replied in a childlike tone as he closed his eyes to show no harm. California eyed the man down lazily and ended the staredown when he deemed it satisfactory. He gently tossed his hair to the opposite side and rotates to stare at his sibling.

"If this dude tries to anything fishy, dudette, holler for Texas or Me. I need to hang out with Mexico, peace bruh." whispers the Californian at Alaska. He nudged lightly on the shoulders and strolls out to find someone. California abruptly holds up his left hand to show a peace sign and lowers it as his figure slowly leaves them.

Alaska whirls around to face Russia; her body starts to loosen up gradually. She places her hands below her waist and fiddles with them in nervousness. Her head starts to slowly rise up and lips seemed to be restful. Russia gently beams at Alaska in reassurance.

"U-um...I guess I do m-miss you and the others s-sometimes. But, I try not to think of it too much since I enjoy being with Father. H-he introduced me to a big family who were comforting and unique. This made me very happy." Alaska confessed boldly. Her right-hand forms a first as she stares confidently at Russia. Her eyes gleamed of certainty and spunk.

"That's good to hear, da? I just wanted to check up on you to make sure you are all right. This satisfies me, da." Russia affirms with a tight-lipped smile as he proceeds to wander away from his fellow cold region. He swiftly turns around to face Alaska and says, "If you want to talk with me more, da. Please come back to my home, so we can have a chat."

Alaska nods in affirmation as she observes the departing Russian head out. She chuckles to herself for her lack of words in the conversation between herself and her previous Father.

'When The Past Comes Back To Bite You, Bite Back', huh? I thought that it would a massive hound, but I guess I overreacted.


Good day, gamers and non-gamers! Wow, 999 words? Have I stopped procrastinating? YES! I now have the drive to try and post more chapters, and do you know what it is? QUARANTINE BOYS. I had an inkling feeling that you guys may be bored, so I'll try to post more. Bye, my beautiful readers!


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