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D.C brushed his chocolate hand through his pale white hair. It seemed to made of silk since it parted easily with no tangles. He was wearing a simple midnight black suit with an orchid-purple tie that complemented his contrasting eyes. His stare was stern and irritable as though he were looking at the scum of the Earth. The posture of this was as of a nobleman, straight and full of grace.

"Ahem," he says politely as he cleared his throat "I believe that our secret is out into the world. I wonder what you all feel about the situation at hand, your thoughts reflect the outcome of this find due to this being a government secret and all." His eyes seem to fire up lightly after his statement.

"Don't act very hostile, D.C! Liven up a little!" Says a man who was beside D.C "This could be a new chance to have a better relationship with the other countries, you like a prosperous nation, right?" The man next to D.C was about 5'7" with a grayish-blackish tailcoat that reached the ground. The man has swishy blond hair with dark blue eyes that resembled the deep oceans.

"I do like a prosperous nation, but I feel conflicted." D.C blankly said.

"Ye always feel conflicted ye old codger! Stop fostering about this stupid decision. Ye are wasting are time, ye sleveen!" Chirped a girl with reddish-brownish hair. Her face was full of tiny specks of freckles that complimented her hair. She was wearing a simple brown leather coat with a black knee-high dress underneath.

The previous dog pile of states and America stood up and stared at the conversing three states. America quickly shook his head and turned to the curious nations. They stared blankly at him as he returned the stare. "So...uh...do y'all want  the dudes and dudette to introduce themselves...or?" America awkwardly said, not knowing how to respond. The nations vigorously nod their heads in response. "Everyone introduces themselves!" America yells, kind of like a host presenting guests in a show.

The man with the heterochromia eyes stepped forward, "It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Washington D.C or D.C for short. I am the capital of the US as well as the lawmaker of this country. I hope to create new relations with you all." He bows afterward.

The same girl with freckles as stepped forward, "Mornin' to ye birds and codgers. The name's Delaware, the first state of this craic country. Don't feck with me you eejits, and if you don't do that, we'll be one happy family." She proclaimed as she took out a crab cake and munched on it.

The man with the tailcoat followed after the obnoxious girl and said, "Greetings, everyone. I am the personification of Pennslyvania! I hope we can all get along!"

(I'm going to make a few of the next introductions short to save time, and create a surprise for the next chapters)

"The name's Jersey, New Jersey. I don't wanna hang with any of you creepos. I just need to fix my fly style!" Says a girl with fluffy blonde hair. Is she still stuck in the '80s? The answer is, yes!

"Heya! My name's Georgia! I like food and sweet tea! Want some?" The boy politely said as he offered a gallon of sweet tea with ivory-white Styrofoam cups. He had dark brown curly hair that matched his cocoa skin.

"Why hello there. My name is Connecticut. You probably know who I am since I am better than my sorry excuse for a sister, New York. Care to have a game of golf with me?" He had dark brown hair and a pair of dark sunglasses perched on his nose. His attire consisted of a Polo shirt with pastel blue pants.

"Nice to meet all of you," the next girl says as she curtsies in front of the countries, " I'm the personification of Massachusetts. I hope we shall be glorious relations and maintain a better relationship with one another. Would you like to accompany me to go to the Kennedy Family museum?" She had 2 braids sticking out from her dark brown hair. She also seemed to be wearing a simple dark blue dress with a red jacket on top whilst rocking square-shaped spectacles.

"Noice to meet yew, hon! My name's Mar'land! I love me some crab cakes and my Natty Boh beer, hon! Just need to dash a bit of Old Bay seasoning on it to taste noice!" The girl with black poofy hair obnoxiously said. She had a very loud attire that clashed with one another.

"Nice to meet y'all! I'm South Carolina! I love my conservative values and grits, y'all! Praise the Lord!" The voice was coming from a man who was wearing tan shorts and a patterned shirt and a patterned shrimp tie. He had a warm smile plastered on his dark tone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is New Hampshire! I have a reputation for giving the best directions!" Says a man with a flannel vest and a simple green sleeved shirt with black pants. "No, you're not!" Screamed a voice.

"Hi, there! My name is Virginia! I love hunting and going on family road trips to awesome freaking caves! Does anyone want to learn how to skin a dear in mere minutes?" The male was wearing a bright orange shirt with camo pants and a jacket. That kinda beats the purpose of staying hidden, right?

"I don't care for a second introduction, it wastes my precious time!" Remarked New York "I'll only say that taxes suck and I'm infinitely better than everybody else."

The room became more silent than it usually is. The other states' sweatdropped at their sister's statement. Texas clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Umm...ok? Well, my name is North Carolina! I love my biscuits and sweet tea!" Proclaimed the happy state. She was wearing some denim jeans with a casual black tank top.

"Heya, the name's Rhode Island! I'm famous fer being the place where Family Guy is set, give me a moment, I need ther take a sip from the bubble." Interrupted the man with light brown hair and light almond eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with a thick brown leather jacket and cargo pants.

As other states began to introduce themselves, America help up a raised arm and said," Hold up, dudes. The introductions are great and all, but it's getting too long and I'm tired!"

The room erupted like a volcano as 37 states began to yell loudly.

"I wanted to introduce them to my potato family!"
"I wanted to teach them how to surf!"
"Does anyone want to know to keep your crops safe from tornadoes?"
"Do they know that I exist?"
"I love y'all with all of my heart!"
"Shut up, Alabama!"

America stiffened in fright as his children began to create chaos. He let out a bead of sweat. "Uh...guys...chill out...we have enough time after the meeting! So, introduce yourselves after. I'm about to pee myself, yo." He whined.

The states began to nod in understanding as the began to disperse to introduce themselves to the nations. This was an exciting meeting, wasn't it?


Hi guys, Mango here! Y'all probably hate me for posting so late! Sorry, ごめんなさい, Désolé, Mi dispiace, and Простите! School made me extremely occupied and researching many stereotypes for the states made me very dizzy. I hope this chapter was sufficient. I will add another one this weekend. Be sure to expect an interaction between England and the 13 colonies! Ciao!


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