Spain, stop harassing people.

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Spain's POV:
This is amazing! The states are people too?! Ahhh~ My beautiful children! I wonder if they remember me at all? That would make me so happy! I spin around in a circle in joy. My eyes are closed and I'm full of bliss!


"Pull-a your-a sh!t together, tomato b@stard. You-a look like-a a homeless man high-a on cocaine!" Romano replied in an annoyed tone as he stared angrily at me. His hand was raised in a fist as he continued to hit me on the head.

"You-a making me look-a bad! Stop being-a such-a a$s!" He remarked bitterly as his expression remained a sour one. His famous brown curl skewed in a sharp position as he uttered those words.

"Oi, are you Spain?" A feminine voice chirped. I causally spin around to face another nostalgic person. Florida? Florida...FLORIDA!!!! I rushed immediately to give her a tight squeeze as she tries to pry herself off my suffocating embrace.

"Ohhh~ Chica, I miss you sooooo much! Did you miss me? I bet you missed me!" Spain cried joyfully as he whirled around in circles whilst hugging the poor state.

"You-a motherf#cker! You're-a killing her-a" Yelled the angry Italian as he tried to grab the legs of the dizzy girl as she spun in the tortuous hug of the Spaniard.

"Florida Man, attack!" She managed to say from the tight embrace. With a flash of green, Spain slowly swayed onto the floor with a blank expression on his face. His mouth let out a trail of smoke like the phrase of knocking the wind out of someone. In this situation, it was like knocking the life out of someone. Florida and Romano look down on the man with expressionless faces as they swiftly turn to glance at one another. They didn't say anything for another minute until Romano briefly spoke.

"Is-a he dead?" Romano asked curiously, completely disregarding the well-being of his friend.

"I don't think so. Florida man just rammed into his chest, so I don't think he died, amigo." Florida replied with the same stoic tone. They glance at each once again as they stare at the lifeless body in front of them.

"Should-a I leave-a him here?" Questioned Romano again.

"Naw, he'll be fine. Just make sure that the cops don't find out. I already have a murder by an overdose of weed on my plate, amigo." Responded the Floridian.

"Sì, wait-a minute. Did-a you say-a murder?"


Hello there gamers and non-gamers, Mango here! I'm still alive don't worry! I plan to still update on this story and my other one. I hope this story was to y'all's liking and have an awesome day my beautiful readers!


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