Introductions or More Interruptions!?

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The nations nod in affirmation at America's comment. They slowly creak their way out of their chairs and headed towards the tall wooden doors of the meeting room. Some of them were observing the 3 states as they passed, and some quickly ran towards the doors. As they walked out of the room, they formed a mob-like crowd. The nations were scattered around according to their feelings of the situation.

The more cowardly countries were at the back since some were afraid of the states. Some were in the middle still curious but cautious at the new personifications. The rest were too intrigued at the states and states with America in the front to check them out.

As the gang of countries and states walked down the halls, they were met with a girl slowly closing a door. She had platinum blonde hair that reached a bit past her waist and light purple eyes that resembled a foggy amethyst. She wore a light blue coat that went down to her knees with furry boots that fitted the winter theme of her outfit. Her age-range was around 16-17 which made her a somewhat teenager.

Her eyes were filled with concern and fear as she closed the door. The thin line on her porcelain face was etched in a frown.

"Howdy, 'laska! What'cha doing?" Questioned the loud Texas from the front of the herd. The girl swiftly rotated her head to face the voice. Her previous smile turned into a small grin, but then lowered it slightly.

"I-I'm just g-going to take a q-quick trip to the r-restroom." She squeaked quietly but audibly. The Floridian titled her head in obvious confusion.

"Why you stuttering, amiga?"

The girl knew she was caught and gulped in fear. "They're fighting and doing strange stuff again..." She whispered softly once more.

After hearing the response, America facepalmed in frustration.

"What the hel!, dudes!" He shrieked in anger and confusion as he ran towards the unfamiliar lady in the hall. He gently nudged her to the side and opened the doors widely. The countries got consumed with too much curiosity, followed after America to see the commotion. They all peered onto the room and saw...chaos. This was not like their everyday and normal world meeting; it was ten times worse.

There were two teams having a loud and obnoxious hockey game. A few people hung from the ceiling chandeliers and doing parkour.

"Hardcore parkour!" One yelled from the ceiling. Some were having arguments about agriculture and which gave the best profits and some were quietly talking to one another about politics. But the most notable person in the room was at the head of the round oval table in the middle, his face flushed with anger.

"Uh...? D.C, are you all right, dude?" Asked America loudly. All 46 heads in the room swiveled their head towards America.

"Dad!" Most of them shrieked excitedly. The majority of them stampeded towards the American and proceeded to hug or surround him. His body wasn't seen through the massive dogpile of people. Laughs erupted in the pile with gentle coughing and hearty bellows.

As this was happening, a few young adults glided towards the nations. The one that was previously angry became calmer and more professional as he turned towards the shocked countries. He had noticeable heterochromia eyes; the one on the right was red and the one on the left was blue. His head turned towards the happy pile and back at the nations. The man sighed as he says,

"I guess " the tea has been spilled" as kids say nowadays."

Ohohohohoho~ It looks like I have posted another chapter that is a cliffhanger! I am a genius! But in all honesty, this chapter helps with the transition, so no biggie! I'll update again next week, so watch out for that! Have a good day, gamers and non-gamers!


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