Ch90 I.K.

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Not all instructors are officers.
Most of them are inducted just for the post of instructors.
Such people are junior to officers but are senior to the cadets. That's why they screw them so much so that they become good officers.

So in one simple sentence, the day cadets pass out from the KMA parade ground and become officers, the salute comes from opposite direction.

So Kelly is Killer's junior but also his long term instructor.
It will be interesting to see how they regard each other.

"One important quality of a good teacher is that he teaches his students to be punctual. And I'm happy that you've learnt that lesson well."
Came a voice from one side of the training area.

My eyes immediately dart to one person in his early forties standing there with his hands on his waist and a whistle looping around his neck. He was wearing a combat printed T shirt and Cargo pants. His complete attire was screaming 'instructor' despite his calm posture.

Behind him stood Killer in his UCP uniform with his shirt tucked out. Considering the creases on his clothes and the beads of sweat and mud on his face, I'm pretty sure they were fighting or practising till now.

Killer moved a step forward to introduce me to him.
"This is Instructor Kelly. And she is -"
"Miss Jane Stuart of course. She has got her father's features."

Okay. I already like him.
One - he doesn't let Killer talk.
Two - his tone is so friendly.

"Mmm Good afternoon, Sir..."
This is the worst part.
I don't know how to wish him.
There are set norms for cadets and officers. I'm somewhere in between.

"Sir? You don't call me sir, ma'am! Just call me Kelly."
He replied.
Okay that's third point now.

"Only if you call me Jane."
I said and he laughed.


I stole a momentary look at Killer's face and it was constipated.
God I love this already!

"So, what have we learnt till now..."
He turned to Killer and completed
"... Major Wills?"

So Kelly doesn't regard him as Sir.
That's something new. Well it should not be. He has been training him for years.

"Basic combat techniques."
"Non sense."
Kelly said and I sucked up my laughter.

"I beg your pardon?" Killer irked.

"What else? Why would you teach her combat techniques? Is she going on war? Or will she be participating in some sparring competitions?"

"I can teach only what I know, specially when I'm ordered to do so."
So Killer is complaining about Uncle forcing him to train me.

"One can always add some common sense to his knowledge and mould it as per requirement."
Kelly said looking at me with a small smile, making Killer take deep breaths to calm down.

"I'll tell you what you should be prepared for."

"The only thing you should be ready for is a surprise."
"Excuse me?"
Did that make sense, or I'm dumb?

He started circling me.
"Yes. Surprise. A man trying to hit on you, or hit you - by surprise. Imagine yourself walking down a lane all alone someday. Your ears should be sharp enough to hear footsteps of someone following you. Your eyes should be able to see his shadow without you turning around. Your brain should be working on high alert to judge which turn to take next to reach a crowded place. He should not get a chance to come close enough to touch you."

"We can't teach her how to develop a sixth sense." Killer said, realising that all his hardwork just went down the drain.

"You don't need to teach her. She has that sixth sense already. Every woman has it. They will come to know if something is going wrong around her. Specially when it threatens their life. I'm just telling her to learn to trust her guts."

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