Ch108 The Mercy Lawn

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Settling me at the terrace from where I can see Mercy Lawn, Killer and Nick left me next to Ren with a warning 'If she falls, you'll follow soon.'
Killer has got to chill down a bit.

Within a few seconds of their leave, Flynn was on duty.
That man is a keeper.

"Final year out in thirty!"
I heard Nick's booming voice.

"Freshers and Second on the balcony. In twenty."
This was Killer.

Man I worry about the state of these boys right now.
They must be thinking of having a peaceful sleep in a few minutes. Lights just went out that means it's their official sleeping time. Now they'll have to run out in whatever state they are in.
I pity the ones taking a shower or a piss.

As ordered, the balcony was full and there were boys outside the hostel.

I looked around worried for my boy. But there stood Ethan - leading the whole batch - like the real Squad Commander.

Nick ordered and the cadets started counting from one end to the other with Ethan being the last saying 56.

Killer asked loudly for everyone to hear.

"Where are the rest four?"
He asked shaking the ground.

Man I already feel bad for the four guys.

Before he could answer on their behalf, three boys came running down and fourth soon followed.

Nick called the four of them to him with a snap of his finger.
The next moment all four of them were pushing at Nick's feet.

"What is this place, SC?"
Killer pointed towards the garden they were standing at the boundary of.

"The Mercy Lawn, sir."
"I hope you know exactly what kind of Mercy you get here."

"Yes sir."
"Well then you must also be knowing what your duty as the senior most batch is?"
This time it was Nick and you could see Eth trembling.

"Yes sir."
Killer and Nick shouted the one word question in the same time and the last boy standing shook.

"To ensure that there's no grass in the Mercy Lawn by seasoning the juniors over that land."
Ethan was trying to keep his voice intact but the occasional breaking implied that he's going back to his own seasoning

"When was the last time you made a junior roll in there, SC?"
Nick asked getting dangerously close to him.

Both junior batches stood at the balcony and saw their seniors getting fried alive. There was no batch senior to Ethan's but these two men would work just fine.
Even the juniors were terrified.

"Two - two months, sir."
Nick said in disbelief.

"Wills! They haven't stepped in here for two months! You remember staying away from this holy land for more than a week, ever?"
"Even a week is a long time. We were out here every other night, rolling and plucking the grass."
Killer said and I would regard it as a show off of their own bad screwing during cadet days. But then if it's true, they have all the right to brag about it.

"Two months, SC? What were you waiting for? For roses to blossom?"
I held back a snicker.
Nick is cruel!

"Negative, sir."
"Then why did you not drag their asses here and clear the garden? Its been more than ten days since all of you joined back from leave. Ten days, Cadet! Ten sessions of deforestation and you could have saved yourself from tonight's misery! Why did you not?!"
Nick's voice was going uphill now and so was my heart rate.
Training as officer is different. Nick and Killer ragging them as seniors is scarier than I had thought!

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