Ch92 Deal? Deal.

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"Duck. Duck. DUCK!"
I did as told and saved myself from a power punch that Kelly had packed for me.
Phew. That was close. Thanks Killer.

"Stop cheating, officer!"
Ah come on Kelly! You got my face thrice and still you want Killer to stay out and quiet.

Fuck! My head is spinning.
Why did I not see his other hand coming towards me?

I barely got my balance back when I saw Kelly's fist flying towards my face again.
Not this time, sir.

I ducked just in time and went for his foot instead.
Stupid enough for me to think that I can catch hold of his foot - he who has trained people the same thing for almost a decade.

As obvious as it may sound, he slipped his foot back and quickly stomped on my hand that went to grab him.
Fuck! I won't be able to pick up food with that hand for next few days.

My lungs were crying out loud and my body was exhausted. We've been fighting for what seems like an hour, while actually it must have been just ten minutes. Kelly hasn't given me a moment's break since we started. Punch after punch, kick after kick - I've spent whole of my energy in just protecting myself from his hits.

I really hope Killer's seven other instructors were lenient. This one man can kill you over and over again. I can't imagine facing another one like him, forget seven.

I got my attention back to my hand when he twisted his foot, creating a wave of pain from my hand to my brain.

Using my left hand I tried to remove his foot which is was still on my other hand. Entirely useless.

I heard Killer guiding me and immediately Kelly responded "You are cheating again, officer."

I wanted to both apologise and thank Killer for taking the rants of his trainer just to ensure that I'm doing well.

I used his momentary distraction and punched hard on his other shin. He lost his balance and I got my hand free. Getting up swiftly I took a turn and faked a kick. Before my leg would leave the ground as Kelly expected, my fist made contact with his cheek. I swear even with the back of my hand, I could feel his jaw. I hope I didn't break any bone.
Who am I kidding? They're all made of steel.

But to my surprise, Kelly rubbed his lips with his thumb and I saw blood there.
I had a mixed feeling. I felt guilty for hurting him but I also felt so strong that I can hurt him.

"Oh my god."
I heard Killer whisper to himself behind me.

"I think she is ready." Kelly said lifting his bloodied hands up, calling the sparring off.

"Ready for?"
Killer asked as surprised as me.

"For the world." he mocked but I knew he wasn't entirely joking.

"And for Uncle?"
I asked with a twist in my guts.

"You are ready to face the world, except him."
He said seriously.

"Thanks Kelly, that really helped."
I said sarcastically. The knot in my guts tightened.

"See. You can never be ready to fight him. He knows that too. What he wants to ensure is that you're good enough to fight and escape others, specially when your life is in danger. If he thinks you can, then heads up!"

He made some sense to me.

I turned and looked at Killer. He shrugged his shoulders and agreed.

I nodded more to myself, getting ready to face the big old man tomorrow.
Yep. The week's deadline finishes today and Colonel James agreed for a final evaluation tomorrow.

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