Ch109 Gone Astray

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My head was pounding.
That's all I could feel.

I woke up with a headache and it was bad. I guess I was having a true hangover this time. My throat felt charred. I was thirsty to say the least.

I tossed towards my bedside table hoping I had filled my water bottle before sleeping.
To my surprise, or may be not, there were two bottles there - one with plain water, and another with 'ORS' labelled over it. Next to that were two small fruit juice packets. And lastly - a Brufen tablet.

Give me one reason why would you not love these people?
Flynn of all is the gentleman here.

I picked up the water bottle and gulped huge sips to get my system restarted. Once I was sure I can handle my weight, I got up and got fresh.
I came back only to fall back on the bed again and have few sips of ORS, fruit juice and a Brufen.
Ren had taught me - taking Brufen or Paracetamol empty stomach is as effective as nothing.

Every person has so much to teach you here, sometimes I feel that knowledge rains from the sky! You just have to be here to learn so much!

I checked the time. It was 11 am.
I was out like a light for 7 hours?!
Felt like just seven minutes.

I felt much better within minutes and was good to get ready and head out.

I reached mess to find it vacant. There was not a soul. Well it's not the time for boys' lunch but usually Flynn or his staff is around.
Oh he was up till morning!
God, poor man.

But my stomach was grumbling.
I went around looking for some food. I went inside kitchen. When I didn't find anything, I went to the washing area. I laughed at myself for going till there when I saw a bowl covered with lid.
It was labelled 'For Miss Jane.'
Flynn had signed at the bottom.

I smiled.
If not for that signature, I would have got an empty bowl, even if it was placed at this area. Nobody other than his staff enters here, but still Flynn ensured that my food is safe. Haha such softie!
I picked it up and sat on one of the seats.
There was rice mixed with yoghurt and I couldn't bless him more. My stomach was crying and I couldn't have dared to take anything spicy.

I finished my meal and was about to get up when Killer entered.
He looked at me as if he was looking just for me .

"Where the hell were you?"
He asked breathless.

I was confused.
"Here. At mess, sir."

"And before that?"
"My room. What - "

"Go to your room again and check your pager."
He said and left.

I didn't check the pager!
He must have paged me to report.
Shit shit.

I ran back just to know that I screwed up.
There was a message at 1022 hours to meet in the gym by 1130.

Damnit I was so deep in my sleep I never heard the beep!
He's going to roast my ears specially after having said all that last night.
Oh god the humiliation!

The pager rang again.
Now it read 'Tracks. Gym. Ten."
Freaking hell!
I have ten minutes to change and report at gym!

I thought my training and practice was over. But apparently not!

I reached just in time to find a sweaty Killer on treadmill running fast. Like, really fast.

I entered and wished him 'Afternoon, sir?'
I knew there was nothing good and I didn't want to hear 'not for you' so I skipped the word.

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