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He kept declining

Yoongi kept sticking his tongue out and saying no, not moving. Of course, Jimin getting a bit impatient. "I'm counting to three," Jimin was using his stern voice, one Yoongi could hear.

"One," Jimin started.

Yoongi still not moving anywhere. "Two," Jimin kept going.

Yoongi stood there, right in front of the door, holding the handle. He waited until Jimin counted to three. "Three," Jimin has enough. "That's it," Jimin started walking forward but not as fast as Yoongi shifting the door so Jimin ran into it.

He could hear Yoongi giggle on the other side. If Yoongi was going to be like this, the punishment is going to be a lot worse.

(I'm gonna feel so awkward writing this part like wtf am I going to write)

"Open the door," Jimin tried opening I on his own.

It wasn't budging. He would have to lock pick it. Why was there even a lock on this door? He searched around the house a something to lock pick the door with. He went to the kitchen and looked for a butter knife. After like 3 minutes of going through every place he finally found one. He went back to the door. "I'm giving you one last chance Yoongi, open the door or it's going to be worse," Yoongi didn't hear but he wouldn't of done anything anyway so it didn't really matter.

Jimin finally had it and lock picked the door. Yoongi was there in the middle of the room. Jimin went up and grabbed Yoongis wrist. "wet me go!" Yoongi tried to run away, but failed.

Jimin went to the living room. "Stay. You dont, It's going to be worse," Jimin looked Yoongi straight in the eyes.

Jimin went and found some pieces of clothes. He went back to the living room. "Stand up," Jimin was not having it.

Yoongi stood up, tears already building up in the corner of his eyes. Jimin tied Yoongis wrist together so he couldn't get away. He kept whining and crying wanting to run. Jimin tied his feet after Yoongi started kicking. A blindfold, just for some fun.

"Okay, listen here Yoongi," Jimin started, Yoongi laying upside down on Jimins lap. "I know you're used to getting away with being bad and getting what you want," Jimin pulled down Yoongis pants just a bit, enough just for some spankings.

Yoongi started squirming and whimpering. "Now, You're with me, you don't get to do that anymore. You are going to follow the rules even if it means things like this have to happen," Jimin started to rub his hands on Yoongis bottom, Just for a start. "20, count down. Lose count I start over," Jimin wasn't joking.

Jimin went for one. "O...one," Yoongi said, already crying.

"Tw-o" Yoongi found it hard to speak.



By the time Jimin got to ten Yoongi was seriously crying. Wanting it to stop.

"e....eleven!" Yoongi cried out.

Yoongi couldn't move and just kept squirming. It was finally the last one.

"T-twenty...!" Yoongi cried, so loud.

"Good," Jimin started to untie everything and Take off the blindfold. He tried to rub where he spanked but Yoongi got up and ran to his room. "M...M-meanie!" Yoongi slammed the door. And man did he wish he would've stayed so his butt wouldn't hurt as much. 

Jimin felt kinda bad. Maybe it was too much. But, he deserved it. And as much as he hated to say it, he's going to enjoy giving punishments. 

Okay, My writing is so bad bleh, but here's a short little chapter after being gone for so long, hehe 😜

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