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Jimin decided he would tell Taehyung about Yoongis old caregiver today. He had work so he would just tell him after work. He already woke up and got breakfast ready. They did what they usually do in the morning so Yoongi could get dropped off. He was pretty happy today and didn't mind going to Taehyungs.

Jimin was happy about that as he was already running late. He got to work just barely on time.

Once his work was over he headed over to Taehyungs house. He didn't really know how he was going to bring it up. He knocked on the door and asked if he could come in. Taehyung of course said yes and made way for Jimin. They sat down and Jimin whispered to Taehyung.

"It's about Yoongis carer," Jimin whispered.

Taehyung nodded and looked over to Yoongi. "Yoonie, why don't you go and play with Jungkook," Taehyung motioned him upstairs.

Yoongi complied and walked up, Taehyung turned back to Jimin and he continued. "Yoongi talked to be about it yesterday, and he told me his old caregivers name," Jimin started.

Taehyung let him continue, "Jaehwoon, I know him and...he's not dead," Jimin stated.

Taehyung went wide eyed. "What?" Taehyung was in shock as he answered.

"He, he just moved away, far away,"

"Then why did they say he was dead," Taehyung was confused.

"He must've faked it," Jimin shrugged.

"I guess...it makes sense they didn't find the body in the car...," Taehyungs voice fades as he talks.

"We can't tell Yoongi, he'll be devastated," Jimin looks in the direction of Jungkook room.

Taehyung agrees. He stands up from the couch and Jimin follows. It was about time for Jimin to go home so he called Yoongi down. Yoongi came and they both left. Jimin and Taehyung would keep it a secret for now as nothing is happening.

But Jimin knew it wasn't going to be good from here on.

I haven't updated for like a week oopsies I'm alive. I just got a new phone from my sister so yeah! Yay. Sorry it was short :/

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