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Jimin woke up on the couch next to Yoongi who was only just a bit sick. He was a lot better today. Loooking at Yoongi now, Jimin was reminded, He wasn't even his 'daddy' yet. Only a "kinda temporary caregiver" depending on how well Jimin does this. Jimin wasn't giving up, He was determined to get Yoongi to call him daddy and even be an official caregiver forever, even if it took a year. Jimin now just realized he was staring at Yoongi as he started opening his eyes. Jimin doesn't have a single clue on what to do today as he doesn't have work and doesn't know what to do with Yoongi. Before Yoongi was fully awake Jimin got up to make them breakfast. Before he could even start he got a phone call. He picked up his phone and the caller ID turned out be Taehyung. "Wonder why he would be calling, I don't have time for one of his rants," Jimin said as he picked up the phone.

"Jimin?" Taehyung beamed through the phone.

"Yeah, It's me," Jimin replied.

"Ah, I have a hUGE favor for you," Taehyung said, emphasizing the work 'huge'.

"Okay?" Jimin put the phone on speaker and set it down as he continued making breakfast.

"Okay, So I'm going somewhere today and I can take Kookie with me," Taehyung started.

Jimin cut him off before he could continue, "Don't you have, like, a babysitter for him?"

"That's the thing, My babysitter is busy today...and I just wanted to know if you were busy...," Taehyung answered.

"I'm busy with Yoongi," Jimin said still cooking.

"Great! Then you can handle Kookie too! I'll drop him off, thanks," Taehyung hung up before Jimin could disagree.

"I-..." Jimin sighed.

He really didn't want to take care of another little, One was already trouble. Once Jimin finished the breakfast Yoongi was fully awake. "Kookie is staying for the day," Jimin said to Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled and got Joyful, but you could tell it wasn't is real smile. The Glistening in his eyes wasn't there and he's never smiled with his teeth. Just a small smile. Yoongi still wouldn't talk much to Jimin because, Well, He doesn't like Jimin.

After they ate the doorbell rang, Jimin opened the door to Taehyung and Kookie. "Thanks for taking care of him, chim," Taehyung smiled.

"I never said I could, but No problem," Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I have to go," Taehyung waved bye to Jimin and Kookie and went off.

Jimin closed the door and took a deep breath. "Hey Kookie," Jimin said looking at Jungkook.

"Hewwo!,"Jungkook said back.

Jungkook age range what quite small compared to Yoongi. His age range was 3-5 while Yoongis was 4-6. It wasn't a really big difference but it was still a difference. So the day started. While Taehyung was, wherever he was, Jimin was here taking care of two littles. "Why don't you go play with Yoongi," Jimin suggested to Jungkook.

"Oki!" Jungkook said as he walked towards Yoongis room.

Once Jungkook was with Yoongi, Jimin sat down for a bit. His plan today was to make a rules list with Yoongi, just because they never had one. That won't be happening anymore though. Jimin really hoped this day would go my fast. The room was a bit noisy but what do you expect, they're 'kids'. Jimin turned on the TV and sat down, watching while Jungkook and Yoongi were together. During the day there was quite of bit of yelling and Jimin had to check up on them everyone in a while. Some fighting happened, that Jimin had to stop. It was just a big mess. Jimin didn't think it would be so bad to sleep for just a bit. It was only a nap anyway. He laid down on the couch and took a nap. During all of that, Yoongi and Jungkook came out of the room. "Jiminie is sleeping," Jungkook pointed.

"Fowwow me," Yoongi said, a devilish smile on his face.

They went back into the room and Yoongi gave Jungkook a colored pencil, he took on for himself too. "What awe these fow?" Jungkook was confused on why he got handed a colored pencil.

"We're goin' tew cowor on the walls," Yoongi said.

"It won't get us in twouble?" Jungkook Asked not wanting any trouble.

"Nope, I pwomise," Yoongi lied, knowing it was not a good idea.

"Okay!," Jungkook said, and began coloring on the white walls.

After a while of coloring on the walls Jimin finally woke up. Yoongi heard this and put down the colored pencil. Jungkook was confused and put it down too. Yoongi motioned him to continue. Jimin came walking to where they were. Once he saw his eyes went wide. "Yoongi! Jungkook!," Jimin yelled.

Jungkook Jumped and dropped the colored pencil. "...'m sorry! Yoonie said it was okay to cowor!" Jungkook yelled, Looking really scared.

Jimin looked over at Yoongi. "I didn't say anyting! He did it himsewf," Yoongi lied.

Jungkook looked over confused "but you towd me it wouldn't get us in twouble..." Jungkook said.

Jimin doesn't know how Jungkook loves being around Yoongi. "Okay, I'm going to call Tae-," Jimin didn't finish his sentence before a knock was heard on the door.

Jimin went to open it and saw Taehyung there. Jimin thanked Taehyung and explained a bit of what happened. Taehyung and Jungkook left and all that was left was Jimin and Yoongi.

Jimin looked over at Yoongi and sighed.

Um, This is kinda late but it's really short. I haven't been working on it all day, my sister just came back from college so yeah. aNYWAY hope ya liked this!
I don't really like how this chapter turned out but I really need some ideas and stuff but yeah.

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