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Jimin woke up earlier than he wished. He got up anyway after a while I trying to go back to sleep but failing. He didn't want to just sit around the house with Yoongi all day so he tried to think of something to do with Yoongi so they wouldn't stay inside. He was making breakfast for both him and Yoongi. He finally decided to just go to the park for a while, he decided to see if Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to join. He set the food on the table and went to wake up Yoongi. "Yoongs, Breakfast is ready," Jimin shook Yoongi a bit.

Yoongi only groaned and moved a little. "Wakey-wakey,I made pancakes," Jimin said.

After a while of trying to wake Yoongi up he was finally awake. They were sitting at the table eating. Jimin finished eating and put his plate in the sink to wash later. He texted Taehyung to see if he could go to the park with him and Yoongi. Taehyung answered yes and Jimin decided to get ready. "Done eating?" Jimin Asked walking back into the kitchen.

Yoongi nodded and got up out of the chair. "Okay, Go get changed," Jimin said picking up Yoongis plate.

"Where awe we goin'?" Yoongi Asked.

"Park, with Kookie," Jimin answered turning towards Yoongi.

"Ok!" Yoongi ran towards his room.

Jimin found it nice how Yoongi was warming up to Jimin, maybe it was only because he was excited but still. Jimin realized he hadn't even gotten dressed. He got dressed and came out and sat on the couch waiting for Yoongi. Jimin scrolled through his phone while he was waiting. Yoongi came out of his room dressed in light blue. "Ready?" Jimin Asked.

"Mhm," Yoongi nodded

"Okay let's go," Jimin walked towards the door and texted Taehyung they were on the way there.

Jimin drove to the park and put Yoongi in the front seat so he wouldn't kick the seats in front of him. They got to the park and saw Taehyung and Jungkook walking towards the playground. Yoongi decided to run up to them without letting Jimin know. "Yoongi!" Jimin yelled as he ran after him.

"Don't do that," Jimin scolded.

Like usual Yoongi stuck his tongue out. "Do that again and you'll see what happens," Jimin whispered in his ear.

Yoongi stayed quite remembering what happened the last time he got a punishment. "Okay, go play with Kookie now," Jimin led him towards the playground.

Yoongi ran off and Jimin headed towards Taehyung. They sat on the benches in front of the playground watching Yoongi and Jungkook. "Hey Tae," Jimin Said.

"Hey chimchim! How's it going with Yoongi?" Tae answered.

"Could be worse, it's alright," Jimin looked towards the playground, there was really no one at the play park.

"Don't you have work today," Taehyung Asked, keeping the conversation going.

"Nah, I got a new job at Big Hit and I have a week off," Jimin answered.

"What job?" Tae asked curious.

"As a dance instructor," Jimin smiled.

"A job you'll actually like," Tae chuckled.

"Yup," Jimin laughed.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Yoongi were talking together as if they haven't seen eachother in a year. "Yoonie!" Jungkook tan over to Yoongi who was running over to him.

They ran into eachother and fell to the floor. "Owie," Jungkook whined.

They both got up and ran towards the playground. "Daddy got meh icecweam yestewday!" Jungkook said excited.

"What did Your daddy dew?" Jungkook Asked.

"He's Noh my daddy," Yoongi pouted.

"Why not?" Jungkook Asked.

"I don' wike him," Yoongi answered back.

"I wike him..." Jungkook said, confused on why Yoongi wouldn't like Jimin.

"Yew can have him!" Yoongi said.

"Noh! I have my daddy!" Jungkook shook his head.

"I hwope Jimin qwuits!" Yoongi said.

"But den yew wouldn't have a daddy," Jungkook said, confused.

"Exwactly!" Yoongi yelled.

"Dats mean," Jungkook said.

"Yew mean!" Yoongi said, getting frustrated.

"Noh! Yew," Jungkook said back.

Yoongi stood up, "Yew awe the meanie," Yoongi yelled a bit louder.

Jungkook couldn't handle the way Yoongi yelled at him and started tearing up a bit. "D-Don' Yell," Jungkook said not wanted to hear Yoongi yell at him.

"Crybaby!" Yoongi said.

Jungkook started crying even more, being loud enough so Taehyung and Jimin could hear. They ran over and saw Jungkook crying. "Kookie! What happened?" Taehyung went to hug Jungkook.

"Y-Yoonie yelled at meh," Jungkook said leaning into Taehyung hug.

Taehyung looked at Jimin. Jimin only looked at Yoongi. Yoongi crossed his arms. "Yoongi," Jimin now has a stern voice.

"We're going," Jimin pulled Yoongi and apologized to Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jimin didn't say anything on the way home. Driving quietly. Yoongi just looked out the window crossing his arms and pouting. They got back home and Jimin got out of the car and went to take Yoongi out. He pulled Yoongi all the way inside. Jimin pulled Yoongi into his lap on the couch. "20, count," With no explanation he started spanking Yoongi.

"One!" Yoongi yelled, already knowing he was going to cry.

"T-two," Yoongi said as the tears formed in the corners.

"T-three," and Yoongi was fully crying now.

"Twenty!" Yoongi cries out glad it was over.

"Good, Come here," Jimin pulled Yoongi up to hug him.

"....'m sorry..." Yoongi said quietly, just enough so Jimin could barely hear him.

Jimin didn't say anything but smiled. "Okay, why don't you shower, since you don't want me to do it, then we can go to bed," Jimin said pulling Yoongi off his lap into the bathroom.

Yoongi agreed and went to shower. Jimin stayed in the living room while the shower turned on. After a while Yoongi came out of the shower dressed and fresh. "Your shirt is backwards," Jimin pointed out.

Yoongi looked down and pouted. He looked up at Jimin as if to say 'Help me'. Jimin went up and helped Yoongi move his shirt the right way. "Okay, legs dry your hair and get to bed," Jimin said.

"I wan' slweep," Yoongi said as he ran towards the bed.

"You're gonna catch a cold," Jimin said trying to get Yoongi out of bed.

"Nu, I don' care," Yoongi said.

After a while of trying Jimin eventually gave up and fell asleep too.

Hello, another chapter! It's a bit longer this time. I will be uploading more as my school is canceled ya know. I'll try to upload daily. Love yourself! 💜

 Love yourself! 💜

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