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Ryujin's POV

As I make my way to the Idle Cafe entrance I peak through the clear glass door, looking for the girl I came to grow interested in even though I kmow nothing about her. She's kind of mysterious you know? She always wears a hat and a mask so all I see of her face is her eyes. They've come to be my favorite part about her so far.

I open the greet and Miyeon who's working the front desk.

"Hey Miyeon unnie. 2 hours please." I wave and smile and she smiles back.

"You got it. How was your class today?" I pay for my hours while talking.

"It was good. Glad I'm done for the day." How should I ask her about the girl? Now that I think about it it might be seen as creepy. I don't wanna be creepy. But then again, it's the girl we're talking about. I wanna know more about her.

"You're all set Ryujin. Do you need anything else? You seem deep in thought." Damn she read me like a book.

"Um, actually, I do have a question but it's kinda weird." I bite my lip anxiously.

"Can't be that weird. What is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Uhhmm...w-who's the girl in the private room with the hat and mask...?" I look over at the girl through the glass door of the room and stare at her eyes, seeing the flashing of the screen run across her face. I hear a small gasp and giggle from Miyeon.

"That's Y/n, Soojin's younger sister." She said while smiling.

"Soojin unnie's sister? She has a sister?"

"Yep. She's actually your age but she doesn't go to college or anything. She stays in that room pretty much all the time and only comes out to eat and use the bathroom, or when we need help with the PCs or any other technical stuff. Why do you have a crush on her or something?" I turn red at her saying that. A crush? I don't think so...I just have a small interest in her and would like to be friends with her. "I mean even if you don't and just want to be her friend that's cool too. She is quite lonely. At least in real life. She had only a couple friends during high school but they went off to college while she stayed. They come to visit when they can and she seems really happy when they do."

"You guys aren't friends to her?" I ask.

"We are but it's like, we're not close close to her you know? Not like Eunbin and Dami."

"I see. Do you think she'll come out of the room anytime soon?" I stare at Y/n again. Y/n. I like that name.

"Yeah she should be coming out soon to eat lunch. Probably in like 30 minutes or so."

"Cool thanks unnie. I'll see you later." I smile again and head to my usual table and PC which is the closest to the private room. I sit down and get started on some homework.


Y/n's POV

I lean back in my chair and yawn. I've been playing for something like 4 or 5 hours now and it's already 2 in the afternoon, which means I'm overdue for lunch. I take my hat and mask off and put them to the left of my keyboard when I notice her.

It's the girl who always comes here to do her homework. I immediately notice she changed her hair color. It was pink but now it's...I don't know what color it is but I know it's hot as fuck. She even cut just a tad bit shorter. Still hot.

I walk out and she immediately snaps her head to look at me. I smile and wave at her and head to Soyeon unnie who works the concessions area.

"Hi unnie." I smile at Soyeon and she smiles back.

"Hi Y/n! Playing ToW as usual? Aaaand let me guess, you want your usual lunch right?" I sat down at the stool in front of the stand's bar.

"You guessed it. I finally got that one crafting I need to make a new weapon. I ran that dungeon so many times I can draw the place from memory."

"Geez. That's rough but at least you got it. What are you gonna make anyway?" Soyeon placed my food in front of me and leaned forward on the bar with her chin in her palm. I smirked knowing how important my answer is.

"I'm making the first legendary master weapon for my class. I'll be the first samurai with one in the entire game." I take a bite of my bulgogi and Soyeon's jaw drops.


"Yep. I'll be getting a lot of guild invites once it tells every player that I did it. Not something I'm looking forward to to be honest."

"Yeah that's gonna be rough." I nod and takw another big bite of bulgogi. I look behind me and see that the girl is looking down, presumably doing her homework, and as if on cue, she brings her head up and we lock eyes.

She's really fucking hot.

I smile and she smiles, but she returns to her homework soon after and I keep staring.

"Her name is Ryujin if you want to go talk to her. She comes by here pretty often. She always sits there too but I'm pretty sure you've noticed." Soyeon said behind me.

Should I go talk to her? I don't do much outside of this place and maybe someone who actually has a life would be a good change for me. Yeah I'll go talk to her.

"Thanks for the food unnie it was great as always." I hop off the bar stool and head towards Ryujin. I go around the table she's sitting at and sit down next to her on her left.

As I'm sotting down she looks at me and smiles and I smile back. She's so cute too.

"Umm...I-I'm Seo Y/n...nice to meet you." I extend my hand out for a handshake.

A handshake? Really Y/n? That's the best you can do? I thought to myself.

"I'm Shin Ryujin. Nice to meet you to." She reaches out and shakes my hand.

Oh my god her hands are soft too.

"So what are you working on? Homework?" I lean over to look at her work. Like that'll help I don't know anything.

"Yep. We have to take something that has history and we have to explain it all and everything. It's kind of stupid if you ask me. I don't even what I'm gonna do." I scrunch up my face trying to think of something she can do. I take a glance at my PC and smile.

"Do Tides of War. You have your best historian of the game right in front of you. Hell I even played as far back as the alpha build of the game. What do you think?" I give her a big gummy smile and I notice that she turns a little red and it's really cute. She has these cheek dimples that look like whiskers and it's really adorable.

"I'll do it. Tell me everything Y/n." 



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