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Y/n's POV

Oh fuck I'm going to be LATE.

Running down the streets of Seoul I dodge people and other obstacles. So basically, I'm late to my first day of captain duties. I'm SO fired. If only Ryujin was here to kiss me and tell me to FUCKING RUN.

For the past couple of days, Ryujin and I have done nothing but cuddle, play games, and watch anime. It was a pretty great past few days. But Jinyoung-nim called me the day after the tournament to come in on Tuesday. He texted me the address and time and everything.

UNFORTUNATELY, I woke up late. Only by 5 minutes though so I RUSHED MY ASS to his building. I personally haven't seen his building yet and I'm kind of excited. That is if I'm not fired for being late.


"Ah Y/n-ah! You're here!" Jinyoung-nim checked his phone. "But an hour early? Did you wanted to start earlier? You could have called you know."


I stared at him with a look of disbelief. HOW AM I AN HOUR EARLY? IT'S 1 PM AND I'M AN HOUR EARLY!? BUT MY CLOCK SAID IT WAS 1:30 PM WHEN I WOKE UP!!

Ryujin that little- OH she's gonna GET IT when I see her next. But unfortunately she's back at college doing college things. BUT I'LL YELL AT HER LATER. She must have set my clock to be a couple late so that I wouldn't be late to my first day. God I love and hate her so much right now.

"U-Uh...may we start a little early?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course! Come follow me. I'll give you a tour of the building." He gestured for me to follow and I nodded. We were in the front lobby and now moving more into the building. "Through the hallway and to the double doors here we have the practice room." The room was filled with state of the art gaming PCs equipped with a ton of RBG elements. Pretty expensive stuff right there. "We'll use it for whenever the team meets to practice. The schedule for that will be whatever you decide. It's all up to you to recruit and manage the team. Exciting right?" I nodded and smiled. My own team.

He took me through more of the first floor which was just filled with boring rooms and stuff we most likely won't use. The second floor held places to rest. Small little bedrooms where if we chose to we'd be allowed to live in. I'm still not sure if I would move into them but the option is always there.

"Well that was the tour. What do you think?"

"I think...I'm gonna like this place." I said and smiled. Jinyoung-nim smiled back and we went to one of the meeting rooms.

"So, have you thought about what to call the team?"

"Actually, I have."

"Well let's hear it."


"Hey Yuqi. How's everything? Need anything fixed?" I entered the cafe and walked over to Yuqi.

"Oh hey Y/n. Everything is going alright so far. How was work?" I sat down at the other front desk seat next to Yuqi and playfully spun around. Yes I am a certified adult child.

"It was fine. Got to see the building, and other official things that needed to get done. My next thing now is finding the right people to join. If only I could get in contact with some of the people from the tournament."

"Awww I'm sure you can find people. You've always had an eye for talent and heart. And you're really persuasive. You convinced Soojin to go on a date with Shuhua the other day so you probably could convince anyone."

"Heh. Probably." I spun around in the chair for another couple minutes before deciding to go to my room. "Welp, I'm gonna go to my room. Call me if you need help or something." I got up and headed for my room.

Once there I shut the door and changed into some more comfortable clothing. I checked the time on my phone.

3:30 PM. Ryujin should be done with her last class today.

Me: Hey RyuRyu are you gonna come see meeee~

Ryu 💜: Hmm possibly. I'm going to go eat with the girls so most likely in a couple hours. Ok?

Me: Okayyyy have fuuuun. AND BRING ME BACK FOOD OR I'LL CRY

Ryu 💜: Ok baby see you in a bit 😘

Dang she makes my heart so mushy and happy.

I lay down on my bed and sigh. Guess I'll just take a nap.


3 hours later

"Hey sleepy head I have your food." A voice behind me said. I instantly shot my eyes open at the word food. And not because of who was talking.

"Food?" I turned around and sat up instantly losing any tired feelings. "What kind of food?"

"It's a sandwich you dork. I got you curly fries and a soda too." Ryujin said as she set the food on my bed in front of me. Yes we eat on my bed don't judge me. I clean it all the time. Ryujin sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.

"So how was it?" She asked.

"Vha fanwich?" I said with a full mouth.

"No not the sandwich. Your first day at work dummy." She giggled and I swallowed my bite and smiled. I love her giggles and laughs.

"Oh sorry. The sandwich is good though if you're wondering. BUT today was fine. Gave him the team name and did other official esports paperwork stuff. I just have to get people onto the team and then we can start the real stuff. How was your day?" I took another bite and Ryujin let out a big sigh.

"Finals are coming up soon so I have to study for that. I have a couple upcoming assignments and stuff. Just a ton of work and preparation to do." Ryujin started to lean on my shoulder while I wad eating. Poor girl is taking like 6 classes. But she's also super smart so I believe she'll pass.

"Aww. It's ok babe you can pass your classes with top marks." I smiled and gave her a quick hug since I was still half chewing my food.

"Thank you Y/n." She smiled and laid down next to me. "Oh by the way, the girls wanted me to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow since we don't classes. If you have work that's ok we can always reschedule."

"Wait why don't you guys have any classes tomorrow? It's like the middle of the week?" I asked then took a sip of my drink.

"Well, tomorrow they're giving professors the chance to finalize lesson plans and get things printed out and stuff. So no classes for students."

"Ah I see. Let me text Jinyoung-nim." I grabbed my phone and saw that Eunbin and Dami sent texts in our group chat. "Oh! It seems like Eunbin and Dami don't have classes either tomorrow for the same reason. Do you think they can come too?" (A/N: If anyone's confused, in this story Eunbin and Dami go to a different college than the others, but both are in Seoul.)

"I'm sure the others won't mind." Ryujin turned towards me and ouckered her lips, obviously asking for a kiss.

"Aww baby you want a kiss~?" I smiled. She nodded her head and I leaned down.

But I stopped and flicked her forehead instead. "No kiss. You messed with my sleeping time so that I would get there a whole ass hour early. I cold have slept for another 30 minutes but nooo you made me panick and rush over to the building instead." I glared at her. She pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes. Gosh she's so fucking cute.

"I'm sowwy Y/n/n but I didn't want you to be late." Her pouting and eyes intensified. Too. Cute. Must. FORGIVE.

With a loud sigh I gave in. "It's ok Ryuddaeng I forgive you." I leaned down and gave her the kiss she asked for. She smiled and I smiled back.

What a cutie.



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