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Y/n's POV

"Well, for starters, thinking about it a bit more it seems like the history of the entire game seems a bit too broad. There's a lot to cover sooo...maybe focus on one thing? What do you think?" I cross my arms and lean back in the chair looking at her think. I really like her side profile. She's so pretty.

"Yeah I think that could work. Did you have any ideas in mind?" She looked at me and made eye contact with her. I blush a little bit then clear throat.

"I have no clue. Again, it's a broad topic and choosing one thing from the game is tough." I lean forward for the purpose of getting closer to her face. I can hear her breathe and snell her light perfume. "Maybe...my history with the game?" I bit my lip and look to see what she feels.

"Yeah I think that can work. Maybe go from you alpha testing to present. Yeah let's do that." I smile and she takes out a pencil and paper to what I assume take notes. "Tell me everything."

"For starters, the game was announced two years prior to its full release. So it was announced in 2014 and the alpha test came out 2 months after that. I signed up for that when I was 13. They told us to just play looking for bugs and report it. The alpha test only lasted maybe a month. A year later, the beta test came out. They let all alpha testers play again and added a new wave of beta players every week for about 2 months. Again, we had to report bugs. This is also when they added in new content that we got to try out. They added my class in during the beta and everyone said it sucked but I enjoyed it. Of vourse, the alpha and beta tests weren't the entire game. 4 months after the beta test ended, the game finally came out in 2016." I looked up to see she was intently staring at me while taking notes. Is she really that interested in what I have to say?

"At this point I knew the beginning of the game inside and out so I flew by that pretty easily." I continued. "Honestly, everyone gave me shit for playing a samurai which was the worst class at them time and most people say it still sucks. But otherwise everyone loved the game. In the game I'm actually pretty much a loner. No one wants me to be in a guild with them because of my class so I was forced to do endgame stuff by myself or with the few friends I made online. I learned how to control the class and despite what everyone says, it's pretty good. Did you get everything?" I looked over at her paper and it was filled with notes. "You really got that much?" I laughed a little.

"Yeah I mean it's not much but if I have any questions I can always ask you. Right?"

"Of course!" I look around the place and notice that there is a lot more people here and it's getting quite loud. "Look, it's getting pretty noisy out here so do you maybe want to come into the private room? I have my laptop in there if you need a computer." Ryujin thoight for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah let's do that."


3 months later

3rd POV

Y/n helped Ryujin write her paper and she turned it in two days later and she got an A. They continued to talk for 3 months. Ryujin introduced Y/n to her friends: Lia, Yeji, Yuna, and Chaeryoung. And Y/n introduced Ryujin to her friends: Eunbin and Dami. Right now, Ryujin is laying in Y/n's bed, while Y/n plays ToW on the PC in her room above the cafe.


Y/n's POV

"Yeah so when we first went into high school the three of us got lost and just decided to ditch it." I said while laughing. "God damn it. Freakin guild and friend invites. I shouldn't have made that damn katana" A day after I met Ryujin I made the sword I was talking about with Soyeon. And as expected my username was announced to the server that I made the first legendary master weapon as a samurai. As soon as it was announced I was bombarded with pms, guild invites, and friend requests. It got so bad I had to log off because I couldn't do anything without a thousand notifications popping up.

"If you didn't you wouldn't be have shown people that samurais are a good class." Ryujin said with a carrot in her mouth. She was either doing homework or texting her friends on my bed. Heh, I wanna do things with her in my bed...ANYWAY.

"Yeah but like, it's annoying. It's calming down though so." I said while concentrating on my pvp match. As a samurai, my class excels at burst damage. I can pull off a full damage combo in 1 second but then I have 20 seconds of cooldowns which is way too much time wasted on trying to kill someone else or dying. Luckily for me, I mastered the class. With the right skill rotation and timing I can bring those 20 seconds of cooldowns down to two.

"You know Y/n, with your skill and abilities I bet you can sign up for an esports team." Ryujin said, taking another bite from her carrot. I turn around and give her a quick 'are you serious?' look.

"Yeah right Ryu. Like any esports team wants a samurai. No one wants one." I turn back around and get myself a triple kill and I smile.


"No I just got lucky that they all lined up."

"Y/n, I swear to god you can join a team. They pay hella!"

"I don't want to join an esports team for the money. Sure it's nice but it wouldn't be my main goal."

"I've known you for three months. It's not a long time but I know for a fact that you would love to join a team." The game ends with our team winning and me getting second best of the team. I leave the lobby and turn my chair around to see Ryujin standing over me and my eyes widen. I wasn't expecting her to be so close already. "There's a public tournament in the mall this weekend that I learned about from a friend. You are going." I stare at her for a couple seconds then smirk.

"Are you asking me on a date to the mall?"

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