Another Love Story

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 Chapter 1: "Move Out, Fall In"

It was the start of fall and I could smell the crisp air. We were packing all our stuff and all my 'friends' were there to help. It was a relief to me more than anything to finally be able to get out of the one place that has placed labels on who I am without knowing who I really was. Ah-- yes. It was finally time to leave Los Angeles.

I was checking my stuff when one more visitor came; it was Ralph, my long time crush. I never thought Ralph would come as he never noticed me. No really. To the point where the only sentence he ever said to me was “Excuse me, Addie”. On the bright side, at least from there I knew that he knows my name.

Then the moving truck finally arrived, “Stuff in!” Dad shouted. We were all packed and ready to go, my so-called 'friends' were all bidding me goodbye. One by one they came to me, gave me a hug, and handed me some farewell notes. Then came Ralph, “I didn’t bring any note or whatever, I... just came because Bea forced me to, nothing special.” he said before he looked away. I simply smiled thinking that was the longest sentence he ever said to me.

"Into the car please?" Bea, my big sis, said. It was sad to part ways with Los Angeles, but I had no choice, my parents wanted a simple life in Norwich.

“Wake up sleepy head,” I woke my mom up, hours after as we neared our new home, “Thy fans await thee!” My mom, Sierra Driftwood, is an international superstar, but I didn’t want anyone to know that I’m her daughter. Nope. Never. No thank you. I can’t bear fame. I can't stomach the fake smiles people give when you're there, and how they talk shit behind your back. Pardon my French.

What the public knew was that her daughters were Bea and Lin. Every time I go out in public with my mom, I put on the opposite of my natural side. I’d wear a blonde wig, pricey clothes, designer shoes, one of a kind accessories, and deep-blue contact lenses. That’s Lin. Where as you’ll see the usual me with my natural dark red hair and green eyes, which I got from my dad. I’m mostly seen in the most comfortable clothes to be in, shorts, shirts, jeans, flip-flops and sneakers.

It wasn't long until we finally reached Norwich, New York (I mean it was just eight hours of travel) in our private jet.

“I don’t even see a mall!” Bea whined, “How am I supposed to survive?” At least she's got her head screwed on straight. She acts exactly how anyone would expect a rich chick to act. Sometimes I wish I were more like her. Most of the time, I'm glad I can survive without the urge to spend money every hour of the day.

“You’ll have your own mall in the mansion. I’ve already called in a monthly supply of the latest designer stuff you like for 5 years,” dad said trying to shut Bea up. I might have failed to mentioned that my dad, Frederick ‘Freddie’ Driftwood, is the lead guitarist of the famous band, Captor. As proud I am of him and his music, I also make it a point no one knows that (except maybe my family)

“Addie, put on your wig,” mom cautioned “we’re about to land.” I quickly slipped on my dress and my wig. I put on some make-up, and my contact lenses. “Addie, I mean Lin! Sit down! The plane is landing!” dad said as a sort of warning to tell me that something terrible will happen if I don't sit down immediately, when I was putting on my shoes. Just as I was walking to my seat, the seat-belt light turned on. I stumbled down the aisle and luckily, I landed on my seat without a scratch.

“We’re finally here!” dad beamed excitedly. We all went down and the crowd cheered at the sight of mom and dad. “Sierra!” some shouted, others screamed “Freddie!” I saw smiles on each of their faces. Me? Well, I was behind mom trying to be all charismatic and pretty. More like Lin was behind mom, but you get the point.

While I was standing pretty, Bea waved and accidentally pushed me over. The crowd gasped at the sight of me falling almost seven feet from the ground. Luckily, a knight in shining armor came and rescued the damsel in distress. Okay, fine, he wasn't a knight in shining armor, but he sure saved my life. He gently put me down. I kissed his cheek and thanked him as I ran back to my worried parents.

They checked if I was hurt, but I was pretty sure nothing was dislocated, lacerated or bruised in any way. Bea looked guilty and tense. She knew that the moment she would close the door of the limo, she’d be be in deep trouble. I hugged her real tight and assured her that I was completely fine. “Thank you,” I whispered. She looked pretty confused at that. I just laughed and told her that I would tell her later when there were less ears that could pry.

We reached the limo and mom waved for the last time. I searched the crowd before I went in; I made sure I had a last glimpse of his face. I saw him among dad’s fans. I went in and put his picture on my mind. His deep brown eyes that turned hazel in the light, his naturally-tan skin, his small nose, his lopsided smile, and the way he made my breath hitch in my throat were all perfect.

We finally arrived in the mansion. As promised, there was a mall for my sister, my own personal kitchen, my mom’s office, and the music room. Bea was grounded for a week; the mall would be closed until then. Believe me, that was punishment enough for her.

“Kids, time to hit the sheets. First day of school tomorrow!” mom nagged. Amazing how she barely has time for us and yet she can still manage to be so controlling. So Bea and I went up stairs. As soon as I was sure that the coast was clear, I took the opportunity to tell her why I said that I was thankful. Not only did I meet my knight, I also got a good laugh at her reaction. She gave a hearty laugh in return before we bid each other good night we went off to our own rooms.

I reached the door of my room, excited of what it would look like. I opened it and was surprised to see my things in the exact locations as my old room back in L.A., except that this time I had two walk in closets, Lin’s and Addie’s. My bed was queen sized and quarter filled with pillows. My own Mac, iPod, flat-screen LED T.V., X-Box 360 and my favorite blue sofa were found at the west side of the room. And my study table and sketch pad were found in the upper-left corner of my bed. I prepared my stuff for school and made sure I did not miss to bring anything.

I jumped to bed and curled up into a comfortable position. I closed my eyes and saw Ralph’s face. I wore a smile as I drifted to sleep.

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