Chapter 10: "Firsts"

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The chit-chatter filled up the school as I walked blankly to my classroom. My body was on autopilot while my mind was else where.

"Ms. Driftwood, are you okay?" Mrs. Scott, our class adviser, questioned.

I turned to her, almost as if I was surprised that she had asked. "Just perfect," I faked a smile.

"Are you sure dear?" she worriedly confirmed, as if she saw right through the smile.

"Couldn't be any surer," I assured her. "Uh-- I mean. More sure." I corrected myself, wrinkling my nose lightly.

"Okay, if you are sure. But don't hesitate to tell me dear. You may sit down then," she smiled feebly as she prompted the class to a start.

I smiled back and dove into a pool of thought. For something I had set up, why does it sting like a mother f--?

"Excuse me," a voice, that interrupted my brain which was filled to the brim with endless contemplation, said among the busy buzz of my classmates' prattle.

"Class!" Mrs. Scott called our attention. We all clammed-up and turned our attention to her.

"Ralph?!" my eyes widened as I recognized him. He was smiling directly at me as he stood next to the teacher. He gave me a small excited wave.

"Are you acquainted with him, Ms. Driftwood?" Mrs. Scott asked.

"He... he..." I started to stutter.

"I'm her boyfriend," he filled in with a cheeky grin, which triggered the class to shrill. I tried to deny it but my voice just drowned in the big ocean of noise.

"Settle down!" Mrs. Scott screamed.

"Addie, you may have the honors of introducing your boyfriend," she continued as soon as she was sure that their attention was directed to her. The class cheered again as a few of the boys pulled me up and pushed me to the front.  I just kept on repeating the words 'no' and 'stop' but they didn't listen and it was far too late. The class quieted down to listen to me; I stood there when I realized something.

I began to smile, and then proceeded by introducing Ralph as my boyfriend. Although at first seemed surprised, Ralph was beaming with delight, and looked like he wanted to race to me and give me a tight hug. Ralph was quickly able to adjust to the class. It was kind of impressive.  We went out of the room together by lunch time.

"Addie!" I heard Ed say while Ralph and I were on the way to the cafeteria, "Can I borrow you for a moment?" I turned to him for a second, blinking once at him.

"I don't know," I said turning to Ralph for permission, "can he?"

"I think not," he said protectively putting his arm around my shoulder.

Ed's brows immediately met as he frowned deeply. He turned from Ralph to me. "Who is he that I must ask permission from him?" he hissed.

"My boyfriend," I replied harshly as I tugged Ralph to the cafeteria, leaving Ed standing in the crowded hall. I introduced Ralph to the group and they welcomed him the same way they welcomed me thinking it'll be okay with Ed.

Soon enough, Ed arrived and I was shocked to see Ralph dining with us. "Hey Ed!" Abby smiled as soon as he saw him enter, "have you met Ralph?"

"What the hell is this?" Ed shouted. The whole cafeteria must've heard because they all hushed down and turned towards our table. I grabbed Ed and dragged him out.

"You better watch your mouth," I said suppressing my voice. I looked back inside with worry, wondering if people were still looking. "Why are you making such a scene?"

"Did you really have to bring him there? Tell me Addie, why'd you choose him over me?"

"I don't know, why'd you choose Lin over me? I gave you a chance, you wasted it. Ralph gave me the chance to feel the love you failed to show."

"You're wrong," he said as his eyebrows met at the center of his forehead, "he doesn't even know who you are." He looked at me with such soft eyes that spoke of pain and anger and confusion and love. "I bet he doesn't know your favorites, or interests, or hobbies. I bet he isn't familiar with the way you laugh at my jokes, or the way you scowl when I get things wrong. I bet... I bet... I bet he doesn't know the reason why I love you..."

"He might not know those yet, but time has its way. He might not be familiar with the way I am, but despite that, he chose me over any other girl in the world." I said walking back in.

"Addie please, let me explain," he said grabbing my elbow.

Just then Ralph slipped out of the door, as if he was cued right in. "You, let go of my girl," Ralph said threateningly. "You made your decision. She made hers. And if you love her, you need to respect her choices."

That seemed to be enough to let Ed back out. He pushed the doors back open as he went inside. I sighed as I looked up at Rolph, the exhaustion from everything obvious in the way I looked at him. I really didn't feel like eating in the cafeteria at this point. So he took me out.

We'd just arrived at the restaurant when I heard someone call out my name. "Addie!" I turned to see Trina running towards me.

"Trina? What are you doing here?" I asked. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Just touring my relatives around. They're here for vacations,” she smiled, not even bothering to glance at Ralph,“come on, I'll introduce you to them."

I followed her, turning to Ralph who just shrugged his shoulders. We spent the entire break with them. I really did the large company. Too soon it was time to go, I still had afternoon classes to attend to afterall. They seemed crushed that I had to leave, so they asked me to visit the Ramos’ residence in my free time. I didn't have the guts to refuse.

Ralph and I went back to the classroom; Ralph, seemingly upset.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked him as he spaced out in his seat.

"Even if I already have you, he still wins against me," he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Even in the fast food chain, you still give him more attention."

"What are you talking about?" My brows furrow as I frown.

"What's going on there Miss Driftwood?" the teacher called out, the whole class turned to see what going on.

"It's nothing ma'am," Ralph forced a smile.

It was nothing, my synapses responded, just my first 'lover's spat' with my first boyfriend on the first day of our relationship. For the first time in my life, everything I did ended up in a total disaster.

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