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For the first time ever, I'm in Mexico so I decided to get lit with the boys, except for Trey who actually had a match that night.

After some tequila shots, Trey had texted us saying the show is over.

"Okay, Mel, we'll order you a ride and we'll pick up Trey." Wentz explained.

"What? No."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm in a country I've never been to before and I don't know anyone. I'm a woman in a vulnerable position. I could be kidnapped. Why don't I go with you and Dez can go back to the hotel?"

"Why do I have to go back to the hotel alone? Men can be kidnapped too. Ever seen a movie called 'Hostel'?"

"Ever seen a movie called 'I Spit On Your Grave'?"

"Okay, okay." Wentz puts his hands up in the air like he was a father and his two kids were arguing at the table. "We'll all go. We could probably come back and get fired up again."

We all agreed to leave and get an Uber to the venue.

We couldn't find Trey outside. We told the guy to circle around but we still couldn't see him. I told the guy to wait for me as I volunteered to go find him.

"3 minutes! 3 minutes!" The man yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes as I rush in. He's probably in the locker room or talking with production.

"Woah, what's the rush cutie?" Suddenly, a wild Ace Austin stood in front of me as if he was Swiper and I was Dora.

"I have to go find my friend, I have 3 minutes." I talked as fast as I can.

"Maybe we could find her together."

"You mean, him."

"Him... Is that why you didn't text me?"

"What? No, I'm sorry I forgot and I think I lost that card." I said as I tried to remember what happened to that card.

"Good thing, I always keep one up my sleeve." Austin took out a card with writing and gave it to me.

"You know that's actually pretty cool." I giggled as I put the card in my hoodie's pocket.

"Yeah, let's go out, tomorrow night."

"Um, I don't know, I don't go out with guys I don't know."

"You can get to know me tomorrow night."

"Um... I don't know... I--"

Suddenly my phone was on fire with notifications apparently the guys were arguing with the Uber guy and he was threatening to leave them.

"I really have to go, sorry." I ran away from him.

"My Instagram is @The underscore Ace underscore Austin!" He yelled at me but I wasn't paying attention.

I took a turn and slammed right into the guy I'm looking for.

"Trey! We need to go now!" I took his hand and ran.

"Wait, give me--" I gave him no time to recover as we had to leave right at this moment.

The next day, I went down to the dining area to enjoy the free hotel breakfast. After eating, I go to ride the elevator back to my room. The elevator was empty until a foot stopped the doors from closing completely. The metallic doors split to reveal a purple haired man.

"Look who we have here, must be fate." Ace Austin got into the elevator with me.


"Good morning." He says slowly. "You look good today."

"Nah." I blush.

"I'm actually going to go change so I can go train."

"I was actually thinking about doing the same thing."

"Oh really? Maybe we can train together?" Ace gets closer to me, practically crushing me against the wall of the elevator.

"Uh, Im actually going to go train with my best friend."

"The same friend you were looking for last night?" He finally backed away from me.

"Yup." I said, pronouncing the y as a j.

The elevator doors had finally opened.

"See you around." I waved a goodbye to him.

"I'll definitely see you around." He smirked before the elevator doors closed again.

STONER GIRLS NEED LOVE TOO! [An Impact Wrestling Fan Fiction] Where stories live. Discover now