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Even though I didn't have a match, I decided to support Trey backstage.

"This is going to be an awesome main event. You're main eventing with Tommy Dreamer and Tessa Blanchard? This is going to be awesome." I tell him as he paces around in a small circle.

"Yeah, you're going to be good back here?"

"Of course. Just focus on your match and winning." I grab his shoulders firmly and push him in the correct direction. "Good luck!"

When he is finally out of sight, I look up at one of the tv monitors.

After the match, Ace walked up to me with a smirk on his face.

"Is your best friend Trey Miguel?"


He didn't say anything as he walked away.

The next day, I sit by the open window as I smoke from a glass pipe. I blow the smoke out the open window, making sure to spray perfume in the air every once in a while to make sure none of the hotel workers notice. I take Ace's card out of my hoodie's pocket and I type the number into my phone.

"What are you doing?" Trey asks as he comes through the door.

"Nothing." I tell him as I rip the card.

"What is that?"

I throw the ripped pieces out the window.

"What is what?"

"You're geeked up." Trey chuckles at me.

I got up the next day and go to eat at the breakfast buffet. As I eat my large breakfast, I take out my phone and text Ace.

Hey... Is this Ace?

Ace 🃏:
Yea who's this?


Ace 🃏:
Ace 🃏:
I'm joking, I know who you are


Ace 🃏:
I know you don't have a match but I was wondering if you could come and support me

I don't know, I haven't been here long but I've noticed that no one seems to like you

Ace 🃏:
People are always jealous of the champ

Ace 🃏:
Lets go out for dinner tomorrow night if you don't want to come to the show.

Hmmm... I'll think about the dinner but I'm going to the show.

Ace 🃏:
I'm happy to see your cute self either way.

I put my phone away when I saw Wentz sit down across from me.

"Look who's up early." I smile at him.

"What's got you all happy? Usually you're moody in the morning."

"Nothing." I shrug.

"It's a guy. Do I know him?"

"How do you know it's a guy?"

"Because if it was something else, you wouldnt have said 'nothing'."

"You don't know that, I could be... Adopting a cat."

"Are you?" He looks over to me.

"Maybe." I tried my best to lie.

"Cool, what kind of cat?" He asks before stuffing his face with waffles.

"A... black... tabby..." I said stringing together the first words that came to my head.

"Wow, I didn't even know there were black tabby cats." He says as he looks over to me again.

"Okay, fine. It's a guy."

STONER GIRLS NEED LOVE TOO! [An Impact Wrestling Fan Fiction] Where stories live. Discover now