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I was enjoying my food from Krystal while Ace was just chilling. Its been about a week since The Rascalz and I cut ties. I was miserable but I was going to tell Ace that. I felt like I ripped out my own heart. Nothing feels the same anymore. Few days ago I almost texted Trey if he wanted to go get breakfast but then I remembered and yesterday I saw all three of them training. I decided just to leave, I didnt want things to be awkward. They didnt look like they missed me, at all.

"Babe, you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah."

"You sure? You just kinda staring."

"Sorry, Im just distracted."

"You're thinking about Trey."


"I know you probably miss him and thats fine. But i dont like seeing you depressed."


Theres a knock at the door and Ace answers it, I follow him with that human Hulk behind me. There was Jimmy Jacobs asking dumbass questions again, I just let my man handle it.

I couldnt wait for the match tonight, it felt good to be free and not have to hide my boyfriend away from everyone. This is the first time Ace and I will introduce ourselves as a couple to everyone.

I helped Ace get ready to head to the ring and we make our way to the guerilla, ignoring the glares. We walk to the ramp, holding hands with Ace as Madman Fulton does his thing. Ace and I begin making out, ignoring everything around us.

"I hope you have condoms cause cause after the show Im staying in your hotel room tonight."

After the show, Madman was changing in Ace's locker room and I just couldnt wait.

"Can you tell him to leave Baby?" I ask while I play with his unbuttoned shirt that was hanging on his shoulders.

"Sounds like someone doesnt want to wait until the hotel room." He smirks.

"Im ready now." I whisper to him.

"What happened to all that, 'not at work Ace'?"

"Ace, just shut up and get this man put of here."

"Fine," he goes over to Madman Fulton, "hey Fulton, can you leave for a few minutes? Melissa and I want to discuss something in private."

"Okay." The human Green Giant rushes to get dressed and leaves the room.

I take off my dress and lie down on the couch in nothing but a thong, I wait for Ace to turn around.

"Damn Baby, wait for me." He smirks as he takes off his shirt and his pants.

Days after, I lay by myself in my own hotel room. Ive felt so lonely lately, I like being with Ace but sometimes it gets old hanging around your boyfriend all the time and all day. I decide to go train, i havent trained in a while and I need something to do.

I go change into some dark blue leggings and a tank top, after I get my dufflebag I leave the hotel.

When I got there, I immediately see Trey and I put my head down trying to not give myself any attention. Trey leaves and I immediately let out a sigh of relief.

I havent seen Trey for the rest of the week but I knew tonight he would be having a match with the illegitimate son of Big Foot, Madman Fulton.

"Hey, I know youve been feeling down lately," Ace interrupted me as I fixed my dress in the mirror inside his locker room, "so I got you these."

Ace puts three fingers up, then two then a single one. His hand then goes behind his back and a bouquet of flowers seemingly appear out of nowhere.

"Awww, Ace! Thank you!" I look at the flowers in amazement. "I love them."

"Knew you would like it." Ace smirked to himself.

I capture his lips in a kiss then put the flowers down to hug him.

"So you down for the match tonight against Trey?" He asks.

"I guess."

"You still not over him?"

"He was my best friend since before I could read, Ace. I dont think I could just forget him like that."

"Take your time I guess."

I accompanied Ace and that walking skyscraper to the ring, it was time for the match against Trey.

The music changed and Trey was standing on top of the ramp looking pissed or whatever is deeper than pissed.

The bell rings and suddenly Trey takes out Ace. I screamed and jumped out the way but tripped and landed back first on the floor.

Ace makes sure Im ok and I assure him Im fine.

I get up and hold on to the apron of the ring for support.

I scream at Trey to throw him off his game, I know Trey can be easily distracted.

Ace holds me and hugs me as he joins in the yelling.

He steals a kiss from me, smirking as he watches Madman Fulton crush Trey. The half giraffe of a man was throwing Trey around the ring like a basketball.

The mood changed when Trey stole one of Ace's items and hit Madman with it. Trey goes under the ring and pulls out a folded up chair, he attacked Ace with it then turns to me.

"Please Trey, no. Im your best friend remember?" I beg.

He spits at my direction then gets into the ring to attack that man who probably has rhino in his dna.

Thankfully i dodged the spit but i was still shook by that look in Trey's eyes. I could tell, he actually thought about it.

I go to comfort Ace who got hurt and start helping him up the ramp.

At this point, I dont care if the match ended or not, I just needed to get out of here.

STONER GIRLS NEED LOVE TOO! [An Impact Wrestling Fan Fiction] Where stories live. Discover now