The New Kid

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Chris's Pov.
We all stood outside the circulation gate waiting to get our papes. Oscar and Morris Delancey shoved their way through the younger newsies and walked towards us. Race began to sniff the air overagsagerating.

"Dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewers mayuv backed up durin the night"

"Nah to rotten, to be the sewers"

I replied, smirking.

"Yeah yeah, it must be, the Delancey brothers!"

Crutchy taunted making us all laugh. The two brothers walked up to, towering over me I might add.

"Hiya boys"

I tipped my hat. Oscar shoved Snipeshooter to the ground.

"In the back you lousy little shrimp!"

I helped Snipeshooter to his feet as Race tsked the two boys.

"It's not good to do that, no healthy"

"You shouldn't be callin people lousy little shrimp Oscar, unless you're referring to the family resemblance in ya brudda here"

"Aye 5-1 the Kelly's scunck em eh? Who's bettin?"

Race was met with a bunch of disgruntled remarks. Everyone knowing it was an unfair bet. I smirked as my brother got in Morris's face.

"That's right, it's an insult... So's this. Chris!"

Jack yanked off Morris's hat, tossing it to me, and I took off. Both brothers trying to catch me, but I was pretty damn fast. I tossed the hat back to Jack before sliding under a fruit stand. My brother swung down from the roof of a shop kicking them both in the face. I popped up and we ran back to the gate, almost knocking into another boy, and who I assume was his little brother.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He yelled at us. We looked back to Oscar and Morris getting back up.


We both yelled. We ran back to the gates right as they were opening. Everyone was cheering for us. The Delancey brothers shoved past us walking to the back of the distribution window.

"Well get you tomorrow Cowboy"

"You're good as dead Zipper"

"Come on now play nice. That's what you clowns said yesterday"

I chuckled as we walked  up to the window. Zipper was my version of Cowboy. I was the fastest Newsies in New York, well minus Brooklyn cause again... never been.

"Oh Mr. Weasel"

My brother called before rigging the large bell.

"Alright I'm comin I'm comin!"

He grumbled opening the window.

"So didja miss me Weasel? Huh, didja miss me?"

My brother spoke with a pouty lip making me snicker. I took a pape off the counter and started reading it.

"How many times I gotta tell ya? It’s Wisel. Mr. Wisel to you. Now how many?"

"Don't rush us we're cruisin the merchandise Mr. Weasel!"

I called making the others laugh. Jack and I both slammed our dimes on the counter.


"200 papes for the wise guys!"

Weasel yelled before Morris handed us our papes. I took my half and sat down on the steps beside Jack, and soon Race. We flipped through the pages, and I noticed the small boy from earlier standing beside me.

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