Seize The Day

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Chris’s Pov.

The next morning I woke up to be met with… no one in the bunk room. That’s odd. I looked at the clock. It’s already 12:00! I guess Jack let me sleep in. I quickly got dressed, seeing as my better shirt was now covered with blood stains. I got changed into my regular clothes, and went out to the square to see everyone out by the statue.

“I definitely think we should forget about it for a little while”

I heard Skittery say. No one had noticed me walk up.

“Oh do ya?”

My brother asked, annoyed. 

“I mean without Brooklyn”

Race mumbled.

“Hey? Who we kiddin here?”

I shouted, making everyone jump at the presence of me.

“Hey Chris is up!”

Les yelled, making a couple more Newsies gather around.

“Hey how ya feelin Chris? Ya got a nice shinna there”

My brother asked, pointing to my eye.

“My eye’s fine an so’s my stomach. My mind howeva, nah that ain’t fine”

I shook my head, everyone was confused.

“Spot was right, is this just a game to you guys?”

I questioned, everyone knew what I was talking about now. Everyone replied with miscellaneous no’s and such. I didn’t know what to do. Jack and I can’t do this by ourselves. I leaned my head on Jacks shoulder as he wrapped his arm around mine. Davey walked over to Les and Mute who were fake sword fighting.

Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay

Davey walked back to us, lifting up Chrutchy and looking at me. 

Nothing can break us

No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day

We all looked at each other, feeling our spirits lifting.

Now is the time to seize the day
Now is the time to seize the day

Send out the call and join the fray
Send out the call and join the fray

Wrongs will be righted
If we're united
Let us seize the day.

We all began to dance around the statue. As the younger boys stood on the statue.

Friends of the friendless, seize the day
Friends of the friendless, seize the day
Raise up the torch and light the way
Raise up the torch and light the way
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Let us seize the day
Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son
One for all and all for one

I ran up Jack's back doing a backflip making everyone cheer. Race began to play the harmonica. We stood across from each other copying one anothers dancing.

Open the gates and seize the day
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Don't be afraid and don't delay

Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away

We began to have a tug o war, until Les came up taking the rope away.

Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son
One for all and all for one!

We heard the circulation bell ring.

“Anybody here that?”

My brother yelled.


Everyone shouted back

“So whada we gonna do about it?”

I yelled.

“Soak em!”

Everyone yelled back, and we all ran to the distribution area, cheering and being obnoxious. We reached the distribution window and saw a bunch of scabs lining up to get papers. We stood in front of them daring them to pass us. One boy came down, and threw his papers on the ground. We all cheered him on, as well as the next two that followed him. Another bigger boy came by and looked like he wasn’t gonna give in. He tried to walk past us but I shoved him back, and we all got in his way stopping him from leaving. He turned back to us. Davey tried to keep peace.

“Jack, Chris just don’t-

Jack slapped the boys papers out of his hands… and all hell broke loose. We began to fight with the few scabbers, but eventually just started ripping and throwing the papes around. A couple boys through tomatoes at Weasle and the Delancy brothers. Jack and I climbed up to the window making faces at Weasle through the glass. I helped a couple boys knock over the waggons that carried more papers. We were all enjoying ourselves, causing chaos, there was so much paper being thrown around it almost looked like christmas. I ran up to Jack and Davey, Jack pulled me into a hug spinning me around. But that’s when everything stopped. We heard some cop whistles coming closer.

“Hey cheezit it’s the bulls! Everyone get outta here!”

I yelled. The older ones ran and I stayed and made sure all the younger one’s got out. I saw Crutchie sitting in a corner, still laughing and throwing papers.

“Crutchie! Scram! Come on!”

He noticed something was wrong and began to run to me, but he was too slow. Some cops blocked off the gateway and the Delancy brothers were behind him. Race tried to pull me away, but I got out of his grip running to help Crutchie. Oscar kicked his crutch away from him and he fell. I ran up punching Oscar in the face trying to help Crutchie, Morris punched me to the ground as two cops came up dragging me away from Crutchie and off with them, while the Delancys took Crutchie away.

“Get off of me! Crutchie! Get off! Jack!” 

I didn’t even know why I was screaming. I struggled to get out of their grips, managing to sock one cop in the face, before I got knocked out cold.

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Hey guys. Sorry for being M.I.A. But I'm back now! Also almsot 200 reads! You guys are really awesome!! <3

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