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Chris’s Pov.
I hate this! This is absolutely crazy! This city is so messed up! I miss the boys, and Jack, and Spot. I’ve been in here for two days. Jack and I got put in separate rooms, and I hate it. It’s small, cold, there’s no bed, and I haven’t eaten anything at all. The most annoying part was that there was a window with no bars, but it was nearly two feet taller than me, and I couldn’t reach it.

I’d been trying for hours, but eventually gave up. I started to cry. The boys had already forgotten about me, it’s been two freaking days. They’ve forgotten me, Race, Spot, Mush, Davey. It’s only a matter of time before Jack forgets too. I couldn’t believe he’s been lying to me for all these years. My name was Minnie Sullivan? How could he do this to me? I started to cry my eyes out, I was alone, like the worthless street rat I was born to be. 

Davids Pov.
Me and the boys went to go get Jack and Chris- I mean… Francis and Minnie? I don’t know. We were about to sneak in when we saw Jack being taken off somewhere.

“Where are they taking him?” Les asked me.

“I don’t know, but there’s only one way to find out. I’ll meet you guys at the square, you see if you can find Chris” I ordered “Race track watch him” I pushed Les to Race as I ran after the carriage. 

Race’s Pov.
Davey ran off to follow Jack and the carriage. 

“Alright fellas let’s go” I called and we climbed up to the roof. 

Kid Blink and Mush lowered me down on the rope and I knocked on the window. Tenpin came up to the window and opened it.

“What’s with all the visisters you guys?” he chuckled.

“Eh listen Tenpin, you seen the Zip in here?” I asked.

“Zippa’s in here alright, but not here. They got her in the single cells. Third floor” he told me.

“You're a disgrace to da snobs Tenpin” I chuckled and scruffed up the boy's hair before they lifted me back up.

“Where’s Chris?” Mush asked.

“Third floor single cell. Come on” I beckoned. We ran to the left side of the building, and saw the window below. We all froze as we heard a voice.
(Tune of Santa Fe)

Guess ya thought ya had a family
Lots a bruddas, lots a fun
But not everythin ya hear about, is true
So you ain’t got any family
Well who said ya needed one
Ain’t ya glad, nobody waiting up fa you

She sang. It hurt my heart. Did she think we’d forget about her? How could we do that? She was the thing that kept us all happy, kept us sane. I felt awful, we should’ve come sooner. We lowered Kid Blink down with the rope since he was the tallest, and we started to sing too.

And today, God I swears
Swears we neva could forget ya.

You’re the only light that guides us through the day.

Kid Blink:
So we’ll keep a candle boynin

And we’ll help you find your way

Chris’s Pov.
I heard the boys singing through the window. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up to see Kid Blink smiling at me.

You’re my chance. To break free, and who knows when my next shot’ll be. Save a place. Wait for me.

I smiled as Kid Blink jumped in the window.

“Heya Chris”

“Heya Blink” I smiled pulling him into a hug.

“Alright, let’s get you outta ere” he smiled as he tied the rope around my waist.

I was lifted through the window, and up to the ruff. I pulled Race and Mush into a tight hug.

“What’d ya think we’d forget ya Chris?” Race laughed.

“Eh would you bozos quiet down” I chuckled.

I looked down and saw Kid Blink climb through the window, then we lowered down the rope, he tied himself up and we lifted him back up.

“Hey where’s Davey, Les?” I asked the small boy.

“He went after Jack. They took him off in a coach” Les explained.

“What?” I was confused “He betta not get Davey locked up” I sighed.

Once we reached the ground we started to walk towards the lodging house, but I had other plans.

“Chris! Chris where ya goin?” Mush asked.

“I gotta see Spot, tell him I’m okay” I sighed.

“Nu uh. Not this late, not in Brooklyn, and not afta we just got you out of jail Chris are ya nuts!” Race came up to me.

“Yes Racetrack. Nuts for Spot and I need to see him” I sighed and started to walk away “I’ll be back in the mornin I promise” I smiled.

“Be careful eh!” Race yelled as I ran off.

I ran as fast as my legs would let me. I didn’t think about getting mugged, or caught, all I thought about was Spot. 


Wow it's been a while since i uploaded hasn't it. Thank you guys to much for 1k reads!!! You have no clue how blessed I feel. Thank you thank you thank you!<3

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