The Delancys

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Chris’s Pov.
I woke up the next day wrapped up in Spots arms. I groaned trying to stretch, hearing Spot chuckled.

“Mornin my Queen” he smiled.

“Mornin Spot” I sighed.

I looked up and saw Mute still asleep on the bed. I chuckled and stood up, taking a better stretch. Spot wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into a small cute kiss. I smiled back.

“Spot I gotta go see Race and da udda fellas. You mind watching Mute?” I questioned.

“Great, yous leavin me at home with da kid” he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

“Thank you” I smirked, then climbed down to the streets and was off to Manhattan.

Once I reached hatten I actually ran into Davey. I looked at him with sad eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug as well.

“Where ya headed?” I asked

“Tryin to find-

He was cut off by a scream and a loud clang. We both looked at each other scared before running towards it. I saw Les on a pile of milk pails.

“What happened! Are you hurt!” Davey exclaimed, checking his brother.

“No, I’m alright, I’m alright” Les assured us “Help Sarah”

“Run Davey!” Sarah yelled from the alley.

I growled and ran towards her with Davey. The Delancy brother had her backed into a corner.

“Oh yeah run Davey” Oscar mocked “We got the best part a ya family right here” he smirked.

Davey ran at him, tackling him to the ground.

“Stop it!” Sarah yelled.

I ran towards her, helping her up.

“Sarah! Sarah look at me!” I held her face “Go get Les” I ordered.

She ran out of the alley and stood with Les. I grabbed Morris off of Davey. He shoved me into a wall and I hit my head. He smirked as I watched him slip on his brass knuckles. Oh damn it. I kicked Oscar and punched him a few times, but he dodged one and socked me in the gut. One of us was fighting a Delancy, and we weren’t winning.

“Stop it! Leave them alone!” Sarah screamed

Oscar held me up and Morris socked me in the jaw with his brass knuckles. I fell to the ground. God that hurt like hell. I saw him about to do the same thing with Davey, but someone ran up and punched Morris. It was Jack. Davey elbowed Oscar in the stomach, I was trying to stay conscious. I think my jaw is broken. I watched as Jack headbutted Morris, and both Delancys fell to the ground.

“You alright?” he asked Sarah and Les. Then check David.

“You better run cowboy, we’re gonna tell uncle Weas” Orscar grumbled.

“You’ll be back in the refuge by super time!” Morris yelled as the two ran off.

“Run! Get out of here! Don’t come back!” Les chased after them.

“Chris” Jack bent down to me “Jeez Chris they did you ova good” he chuckled.

“What, you couldn’t stay away?” I grumbled.

“Well I guess I can’t be somethin I ain't,” he sighed.

“A scab?” Davey questioned.

“No smart” he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes as he helped me to my feet, then pulled me into a tight hug. 

“I’m so sorry Chris” he mumbled.

“It’s alright Jack” I nodded.

I sighed. I knew in that instant that he really was sorry. That he never meant to hurt any of us. I felt it all. I guess that’s kind of a sibling thing.

“Come on” he beckoned.

“What?” we all asked.

“We all got somewhere to be now, come on” he waved us on.

We followed him until we ended up at Dentons apartment.

“Wadda we doin here” I groaned.

“Just hold on Chris” Davey assured.

The door was opened to reveal a confused Denton.

“Did you mean what you wrote here” Jack handed Denton the paper “bout all these sweatshop kids listening to us” Jack motioned to me.

“I don’t write anything I don’t mean” Denton assured. We all stared at him “Well come on in. I was just packing a few things”

We all walked inside.

“So yes, I meant it” Denton continued “The city thrives on child labour. A lot of people make money that way. They’re terrified that the newsies strike will spread”

“Well there’s really not much chance of that as long as they got the power” I explained.

“Sometimes all it takes, is a voice. One voice becomes a hundred, and then a thousand. Unless it’s silenced” Denton sighed.

“Why can’t we spread the strike?” Jack questioned “Have anudda big rally and get the word out to all the sweatshop kids why not?”

“What are we gonna do put an add in the newspaper?” Davey questioned.

“No we’ll do betta than that. We’ll make our own paper!” Jack exclaimed “We tell em we gotta join us isn’t that a good idea?”

“Yeah it is” I nodded “But what do we know about printing a newspaper?” I asked, looking directly at Denton.

“Nothin but out man Denton…” Jack started.

“Yeah but I think our man Denton. Has somethin more important to do” I was starting to guilt trip him “I mean, he’s gonna be an ace war corre-somethin. Right Denton?” I sighed.

He looked down at me with a smirk, but then chuckled.

“Alright” he gave in “Where do we start?”

We all sat down at the table.

“Alright we gotta move fast” Jack started “Now we’re gonna need the newsies to circulate”

“There’s somethin else we need. We need a printing press” Denton reminded.

“So it happens, I know a guy with a printin press” Jack smirked.

“Well ain’t you full a surprises” I smirked.

Jack chuckled, scruffing up my hair. God I was glad to have him back.


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