"Never fear Brooklyn in here!"

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Chris’s Pov.
We all stood outside of Pulitars building singing. Singing in actually decent harmony.

Open the gates and seize the day

Don't be afraid and don't delay

Nothing can break us

No one can make us

Give our rights away

Arise and seize the day

A couple younger boys banged on drums we made out of cans and metal bins, as the rest of us started doing a dance. Somewhat interpretive dance for fighting.

(See the video above)

After we finished dancing we stood together with our arms linked, seeing if we could stop the waggons, but they wouldn’t stop for us so we had to get out of the way. Behind the waggons followed a bunch of new scabs. Davey as always, tried to keep the peace.

“Alright, everyone, remain calm”

We all stood there for a second… Ahhhh! It’s alright Chris, just stay calm… Ugh I can’t do this!

“Lets soak em for Crutchie!”

I yelled. Everyone cheered as we drove the scabs back into the distribution center. But we were met with a bunch of older scabs, with clubs and chains. Oh this just got ten times harder. They closed the gate behind us, so we were trapped. The Delanceys backed Jack and I into a circle where a guy with a chain tried to hit us, but we dodged it. He swung at us a few more times before Morris shoved me forwards and the chain slashed my face, blocking Jack though. It killed and I could feel blood running down my cheek. Every one Newsie was fighting two or more guys at once. We weren’t enough. We needed more help. Suddenly I noticed a bunch of boys popping up on the rooftops. 

“Never fear Brooklyn in here!”

I looked up to see the King of Brooklyn himself.

“Hey Jack it’s Brooklyn!”

I think Mush yelled. All the Brooklyn Newsies began shooting the men with their slingshots. One guy had me cornered and I was too close to punch him, but a marble came flying hitting him in the side, and as he doubled over in pain I was able to knee him in the face and knock him out. I looked up to see Spot smiling at me. I smiled a wide smile back before continuing to fight. I saw Race pretend to give up before socking a guy right in his… painfull place, and I came up behind him punching the man out. Race and I high fived before fighting again. Spot swung down on a rope, knocking over a group of scabs before spit shaking with me and Jack. He then opened the gate, letting in even more Newsies, before making his way back to me. Then for some strange reason, Spot and I began to talk while fighting alongside each other. Ya know, cause… more fun???

“Glad ta see me Jack Junior?”

That’s a new one.

“You came!”

“Well I thought about wacha said... an ya right!”

Spot pulled me towards him before socking a guy in the chest who was behind me. I faced him and he looked at me.

“You is a good cause”

He finished. I smiled but had to quickly push Spot aside and deal with two guys coming up behind him. I punched out one man then socked another right in the jaw before sending an uppercut to his face sending him falling backwards.

“Nice one Chris”

I smiled. 

“Ya betta watch ya face pretty boy, don’t want it gettin ruined”

I winked for joining the fight again. Oh please tell me I did just ruin anything!

I was actually pretty lucky. Besides the large slash across my face (which i'm betting will leave a sick scar), I only had a couple bruises. We drove all the scabs out and were all cheering for our victory. I found Jack and ran up to him, he pulled me into a bone crushing hug spinning me around.

“We did it! Chris we’re makin progress here!”

“Progress? Jack we done somethin amazin here”

I smiled. I saw Denton walk up with a camera as a bunch of us got in a clump. 

“Jack! Guys freeze!”

I tried to get out of the picture not wanting to be in it, but I felt someone yank me back by my waist.

“Oh no ya don’t”

It was Spot. I looked up at him, then felt the flash against my face. What we did today, was truly amazing.

* - * - * - *

Guys! thank you so much for 200 reads!!! Also please go read my new Mighty Duck fic I will be starting today!! Thank you all so much!! Ily <3

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