Alley Problems, and Nosey Race

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Chris’s Pov.
After I left Quidiliches it was starting to get a little dark. I took a shortcut through a couple alleys. At one point I went through a particularly dark alley. I suddenly felt a pair of arms shove me against a wall.

“Hello there”

A man sneered in my face. His breath reeked of alcohol. 

“Get the hell off me”

I growled. I felt the man slap me. I think he was wearing a ring cause I felt blood drip down my face.

“Shut up boy”

Oh good he thinks I’m a boy. Wait, then what does he want?

“How much change you got kid?” 

Uh oh. That’s not good.

“Hello! Are you def kid? How much money you got!?”

“None okay!”

I yelled. The man’s face was the epitome of anger. Yeah wrong answer Chris. I didn’t even have time to process anything before I was thrown to the ground. The man continued to punch me in the gut and face. I felt my nose start to bleed. At one point I was able to kick him off of me and I got up fast enough to sock the guy in the temple, efficiently knocking him out. That shows how easy it is to win a fight if you know how… also I’ve been getting in fights since I was younger then Les so I have experience. I ran down the streets back to Hatten, ignoring the throbbing pain in my abdomen. I finally reached the lodging house. I was in unspeakable pain. I collapsed at the bottom of the stairs.

“Jack! Mr. Kloopman! Race!”

I started to cough up blood. Mr. Kloopman ran into the room, helping me up. Jack came in the room quickly after.

“Chris what happened!”

“Got beat up Jack whada ya think?”

Race came down soon after and helped carry me upstairs. They set me in Races bunk and Kloopman came to clean up the blood, he’s had a lot of experience cleaning us up after a fight. Once Kloopman was done patching me up, everyone left to go to bed. Race slept in my bunk and Jack traded bunks with Snipeshooter for the night, so he could look after me. I couldn’t sleep all night, I was too busy thinking about Spot. Why hadn’t he gotten pissed when I yelled at him? And why was he so hot?! My stomach had started to feel better, so with slight difficulty I did what I always did when I needed to think. I climbed the fire escape up to the roof and looked at the stars. I don’t know why, but I guess they calmed me down. I thought about Spot, and the Strike, and tried to think about my parents. There’s something about Spot, I don’t know if I like him or not, but I’ve been living with boys my whole life. I’ve never seen any boy the way I see him. He was intriguing and mysterious, but also so easy to read at the same time. He was definitely confident in himself, and he knew he had authority. But did I like him? I mean, I barely knew him. But there was something about Spot Conlon that sparked my interest, that had to mean something right?

“Heya Zippa, what are ya doin up here?”

I turned my head to see Race was on the roof.

“Jus thinkin Race”

“Bout what?”

I rolled my eyes as he sat down beside me.

“None of ya business”

“Oh come on Chris! Pwease!”

He put out a pouty lip, but I didn’t cave. I sighed.

“I was jus thinkin about today”

Brooklyns Star [Spot Conlon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now