Uncertainty by ShaSha

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"Yes, I do agree that some certain animated films are a classic, but you can't convince me that their music is on the same level as 'Kiss'."

Autumn had arrived early that week. The leaves made a satisfying crunch under my boots and the breeze swept the falling reds and browns in mid-air. It was one of those rare times when I didn't mind being outside; donning my favourite sweater and scarf combo over black jeans. My hands fiddled with the loose ends of my cerulean sleeves, which definitely had nothing to do with the person walking leisurely beside me. Nothing at all.

"Have you always been an idiot or is today a one-off special?" I fired back.

"Actually, it's a weekday special for when you decide to go on a date with your soul mate for the 2nd time."

I suppressed a grin and glanced to my right. Curly, almond locks tumbling over an expressive pair of eyebrows were the first few things my eyes focused on. Following down to the little beauty mark by their lips. Where I dressed in comfort and pastel colors, they had on a halter-top over ripped jeans. And a bomber jacket and choker in swirls of warm gold and creamy beige.

Still, their previous statement sobered me enough to pull my thoughts back to the issue at hand. "Can we please not say the 's' word?"

I nervously tugged at my snowy scarf. I didn't even notice I had stopped walking until they stood in front of me.

"Still touchy about it?"

I kept my eyes to the ground, noting their doodled converse. "Well, you know I don't believe in it."

"And yet, here we are. On another date."

I looked up at them then, frowning as I met their light brown orbs. "I stand by my belief. Besides, we've done nothing but argue about our interests since so. Even the one that brought us together." I took a breath to stem my anger away when they replied, "But you're still here. So, what changed?"

I sighed and side-stepped them, looking down on the littered pavement we were walking on. Small piles of leaves were heaped together to the grassy side but a few had randomly wandered back onto the cemented pathway. I crunched one under my feet. "I wanted to believe, so I was hoping ..."

"Hoping in the whole idea of threads connecting soul mates from one end of the world to the other might be real?"

"Yeah." I turned around and found myself staring again. They had a faraway look in their soft eyes as they watched a gangly tree curiously. I took a deep breath, let it flow inside me and breathed out. "What makes you think we would last?"

Their lips quirked again, that little dot bouncing on the precipice of their dimple. "I don't. But that's the thing, isn't it? You and me, right at this moment, is what we both probably need for each other."

They raised their arm and caught a fallen leaf that was blowing our way. "I don't believe in forever after, and I could only guess that maybe you do. This is probably why you have a strong attachment to animated films and what they stand for. I'm not saying it's a bad thing though." They let go of the leaf which unruffled as the wind picked up again. I tried to hide the slight rattle their insight had affected me.

"But I'm also saying, as a realist, that there's a chance we won't grow old together." I failed to notice they had taken a few steps towards me, with their hands outstretched in front of me, palms up. Like an offering. "However, we can spend some years, or even months together if you'd like. We'd be two less cynical lonely individuals in the world."

I pondered on whether I should take their hands. Tentatively reaching out one shivering hand, I paused in mid-air. "Yeah, we are a bit of a cynic aren't we?"

"I carry enough cynicism for the both of us, to be honest." Both hands reached up to clasp mine. The warmth that flowed from those hands to mine felt like the sun kissing my cheeks on the first day of summer at a beach.

"For someone who hates Bambi, yeah, I can attest to that." I look up into their eyes then. Theirs met my uncertain dark brown ones in an amused manner. Their cheeks turned rosy despite the sudden chill in the air.

"I'll have you know I have my reasons and they are very valid."

I had to look away, pulling my hand away from theirs before my cheeks burst into flames at the warmth they gave me. I shook my head and sighed quietly to myself as I tapped my chest in an attempt to quiet it down before giving up. I looked back, rather arrogantly, at them.

"We still have a few more hours till my bus gets here. Can I treat you to a late theoretical lunch date, where we discuss the implications of classic films like Bambi?" I offered.

"Theoretical, huh?" they asked back with that smirk I'm really going to have to watch out for.

"Take it or leave it, Summer."

"Only if we split the bill, Winter."

It felt good to say their name, even better to hear mine roll off theirs. We walked on ahead, towards nowhere but somewhere, wherever it'll take us.

"It's a date then."

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