Best Friend Forever by Candy Witch

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I dedicate this piece to all of us who cling on to the little pieces of hope during the war with an insidious and unknown enemy. To all of you who worry about their loved ones. To my beloved mom and siblings, this piece is also for you.

Best Friend Forever

I sigh heavily as I push the off button on my phone. The once-bright screen filled with news regarding the global pandemic virus turns black as the night. The night that I once saw as a bliss, now frightens me for I am now afraid of the unknown and what it can bring.

I close my eyes briefly, let out another sigh and turn to my side on the bed. The face of a regal lady appears in my line of sight. High cheekbones on a square-shaped face, lips as crimson blood, and eyes as tempting as hazelnut chocolate, she smiles and softly pats my head.

"What bothers you so?" She says.

I chuckle softly, "You never misses a thing, do you now?"

She shrugs nonchalantly. "What kind of friend will I be if I cannot even see the lines of worry in your eyes, Darly?"

I sigh again. Yes, that is the kind of friend she is; she never misses a thing. She never fails to see what I feel and never cease to comfort me in a way no regular friend can. This is my friend, who became a best friend, for the way she sticks with me through thick and thin, and I really appreciate that loyalty sticks throughout the worst moments of my life.

"The cases are increasing every day. And today, they announced the first fatality caused by this cursed virus. It's undeniable that the recovered cases are also staggering, but looking back at that one death, it just scares me very much, Haf." Tears well up in my eyes as I continue, "I am not scared for myself, I am scared for my sister who goes out to school. I am scared for my brother who goes out to play badminton. Mostly, I am scared for my mother..." The first pearl of tear slips down the crook of my nose.

Haf just smiles softly and takes me in her arms when I start to weep soundly. As it turns to heavy sobs, she coos as if to console a crying baby, which I am at the moment, and gently utters comforting words.

"Do not worry too much, Darly... everything will be okay, I promise. Just keep doing what you are doing and no harm will fall on you or your beloveds." I hiccup and nod.

"I know, Haf. It's just... my mom... she got diagnosed with pre-cancer and I... I cannot help but imagine the worst. You know how this virus attacks severely on people with a low immune system, and I am scared that my mother..." I cannot continue as tears drown my face and wet my lips.

"Shhh... your mother is a strong woman, Darly. If she can go through all that she did, she can go through all this. Look how she had raised you and your siblings. All of you turned out to be as strong as any children during this crisis can be. I am sure your mother will be stronger than all of you combined." I look up from my fetus position and at her.

She has that look again. The look that portrays serenity and calmness. The look that always succeeds in comforting me. Then, as if she can read my mind, she nods strongly and curled her hand into a fist while shouting, "Ganbatteyo!"

I burst into laughter because that is just the typical her. She knows how I love to utter that single Japanese word whenever I needed encouragement. As she joins in my laughter, I feel a bit lighter in my heart and I know we can all do this.

She is my bestest friend.

I knock on the old wooden door and turn the doorknob. The sight of the curvy woman lying down on a soft mattress tightens my heart.

"Hey, mummy..." I greet softly.

She opens her eyes slowly and smiles brightly. "Hiya, my dottttaaaaa..." Yup, she likes to exaggerate her favorite accent British sometimes, but... this is just what my mother would do in times like these.

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