When Your Attention Was Elsewhere by Orion

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You didn't know this but I only ate two meals yesterday, and I haven't eaten anything all day today. I haven't shown you the bouquet I sun-dried because you were looking at something else. I was about to tell you the time when I had a funny interaction with the Coffee Bean cashier but you had intercepted me with your story.

But that's okay.

I wanted to make you this meal but you said you already ate a very nice lunch your mother brought you, and perhaps there would never be another chance for me to cook for you soon because that was my only free time this week. I thought you heard what I said because you laughed at it, but you actually didn't because I found out when I told you I needed a response. You didn't understand my jokes anymore and you found my sarcasm very mean.

And that's okay too.

Maybe I shouldn't have kept my hopes high even after you said, "I'll always be here with you". But I just hope that you'll find back the same passion you used to have for me.

When you listened to me, conversed with me, and laughed with me.

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