Chapter 2: Thomas

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A/N: 27.04.20


*Thomas's pov*

"So let me get this straight," said Mr. Walter, our school principal. He sat behind his desk with a stern look, his hands folded together. He first glanced towards me. "Thomas, you found a dime on the ground and bent over to pick it up."

"A quarter," I corrected flatly, pressing an ice bag against the back of my head, the area where I injured myself from the crash.

I didn't realize that blood was dripping down my face until the teacher screamed when I walked stepped into class.

The blond boy who crashed into me went to the same school as me and ironically, had the exact same class as I did. When the teacher saw us arrive at the same time, she thought that we had gotten into a fight and immediately sent us to the principal's office. (I had to make a short stop to the infirmary to take care of my concussion).

"And Eli," he said, turning towards the blond boy sitting beside me. "You were riding your bike and crashed into him."

The blond boy, whose name was apparently Eli, straightened shoulders.

"That's correct."

While I had ice pressed against my head, he didn't have a single scratch on him, and that made me extra salty.

I studied his profile. He looked small and frail, the type of guy who looked like he could be swept off his feet if the wind blew hard enough.

Maybe it was his small shoulders or the way he held himself, but he had a slightly androgynous appearance. I noticed that he was sitting on the edge of the chair, his hands neatly folded on his lap while I slumped in mine, legs sprawled out.

My nose wrinkled at his perfect posture.

Maybe if I blow hard enough, he'll fall off his chair.

"I crashed into him, but it was an accident," he clarified.

"Did you break your bike?" Mr. Walter asked.

"No," Eli said, before casting me a nasty glare. "He did."

"He has a name," I snapped. "And how did I break your bike?"

"You were in the way."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, was your name written on the ground? Were your initials engraved on the pavement I was standing on? Was there written Eli in big bold letters?"

He rolled his eyes, waving his dainty little fingers in front of my face

"Go away," he ordered. "Your breath stinks."

I stood up with so much force, my chair almost toppled over. I was seconds away from punching him but the principal slammed his palms against the table, making us both jump.

"Mr. Klence, sit down," he ordered sharply. I saw a smug smirk etch on Eli's lips.

Fine, whatever. I'll beat him up later.

I sat back down.

"And Mr. Golden, will you please try to behave? What do you think your parents will do when they find out about this?" sighed Mr. Walter, tiredness weighing in his eyes.

Eli gave a simple shrug.

"They'll buy me a new bike."

Of course, how did I not notice?

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