Chapter 10: Thomas

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Because no one can stop me, mwhahah.

Your favorite song to listen to at the moment?

P.s: I changed the cover of the book to fit the story a little better. And for those of you who have been following me for a while, you know how indecisive I am with story covers 😂😂

What do you guys think of the new one? A yay or a nay?


*Thomas's pov*

It didn't happen, it didn't happen, it didn't happen.

The sense of denial hit me like a truck and I told myself if I kept repeating that it didn't happen, then maybe it hadn't.

Yeah, maybe it was just a stupid dream or my dumb imagination. But then I'd remember Eli's bright pink lips that were inches away from mine and remembered fighting the desire to kiss him.

Nope, didn't happen. Nada.

"Sir?" said a voice, snapping me out of my trance. I looked up and saw a lady in front of me.

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled, mentally snapping myself. I scanned her items. "That'll be 15 dollars and 99 cents, please."

When she looked for some change, I helped her bag her groceries.

It was like my hands were moving but my mind was elsewhere, thinking about something else, thinking about someone else.

I felt guilty, like I had done something wrong, as if the desire to kiss a boy was... Wrong. It didn't feel right. It didn't sit right. It was as someone came up to me and told me that I was from another planet, or, or that I was adapted (though, I wish someone did).

I've never thought about kissing a boy and now it just made me feel weird.

"Thank you," smiled the lady. I smiled back.


I wish I could punch myself.

What had the bike accident done to me? It was as if Eli broke his bike and I broke something else. Something that I couldn't see. Something that couldn't be seen but only felt.

Or maybe I didn't break anything. Maybe I've always been somewhat broken and I just hadn't realized it until now.

Nope, can't be it. I was straight and nothing could bend me. Not the bike crash, not Eli, not solid ice cream in a pot, nothing.

I was not, and will never be-


I pushed the memory of his blushing cheeks away from my thoughts.


I ignored the way his bright blue eyes made me feel.


Fucking Eli and his snobby attitude, and his perfect blond hair, and his flawless pale skin, and his weak, frail body, and his dainty, frail hands, and his stupid cheating boyfriend and damn it-


I told my consciousnesses to shut up.

I continued to scan items, greeting customers and helping them bag their groceries. It was getting dark and there were less people coming into our store. I took the chance to start studying for tomorrow's exam.

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