Chapter 9: Thomas

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A/N: 27.04.20

Another update, yay!

What is the first thing you guys do when waking up?


*Thomas's pov*

I was in detention with Eli, but he's been quiet ever since we started scraping the tables. I could tell that something was bothering him, and he kept glancing my way like he's been doing for the entire day but remained silent. I was getting bored and the fruity aroma of dried gum was getting unbearable. I needed something to get my mind off this inhumane punishment, so I decided to start a conversation.

"You might want to put a leash on your boyfriend." Okay, maybe that wasn't the best way to start one.

Eli's eyes widened, quickly looking around as if he was scared someone might've overheard.

"Relax," I mumbled. "We're the only two idiots here."

When he realized that we were alone, he let out a small sigh of relief before stabbing me with another one of his unfriendly glares.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Right, 'cause it's complicated," I said, making air quotation marks. Eli looked like he wanted to punch me. Good. He'd probably break his knuckles.

"You didn't tell anyone, right?" I could tell that the question was eating at him.

"This again?" I groaned. "I told you, I'm not interested in your high school drama."

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't looked."

Is he dumb or is he dumb?

"You think I wanted to see whatever was going on under that table?" I scoffed.

"You didn't look away," he accused.

"Like you wouldn't stare," I snorted. There was a short pause.

"Did Steven talk to you today?"

"Confessed his undying love for me," I smirked and Eli scowled. "Oh, don't look so surprised, it's not like he isn't already cheating on you."

Eli looked stung by my words but someone needed to tell him that his "boyfriend" was being a douche. What did he see in that guy anyway? Three brain cells and mass muscle? Money really made miracles, didn't it?

"Just don't hurt him," he snapped defensively and I looked up in disbelief.

"Hurt him?" I scoffed.

"I heard rumors about you," Eli said slowly. Great, more high school rumors, just my cup of tea. "You fight people and beat them up. Some students even call you 'Maddog."

I don't think I've never laughed so hard in my laugh. Eli scowled.

"I'm serious!" he pressed, his cheeks flushing pink.

"Who the hell calls me Maddog?" I cackled, rubbing away my tears with my arm. The question seemed to make him realize how dumb he probably sounded and he raised one shoulder, looking away.


"Damn, I thought people were calling me 'the spawn of the devil'."

"That'd be too long. It wouldn't catch on."

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

I guess he did have a little sense of humor piled under that prejudiced mind of his.

Accidentally Bent (Boyxboy) ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora