Chapter 25: Eli

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A/N: 12.07.20

Little life update: I went on a date yesterday and we took a long walk around the city. We went to the city park, to the lake, and then visited some monuments. It was great and I had so much fun. We had great conversations.

But I don't think I like her/him (not going to precise the person's gender) in a romantic way.

I found out that I have a hard time having romantic feelings for someone. I like to flirt, that I know, but once things get serious or when I know the other person wants more, I back out.

Being in a relationship just seems too complicated. I guess I'm way too career driven because every time I think about dating, I think about my studies and no longer have the desire to be invest my feelings or thoughts in someone else. Maybe I'm too egoistic but I don't see myself putting someone else before me unless they're my family/friends.

Besides, the whole jealous/possessive thing doesn't interest me 🙄 I don't belong to anyone.

Does this happen to any of you? Or am I the only one? 😅

Am I over sharing? Anyway, enjoy the story 🍑


*Eli's pov*


very week I’d wait for Saturday to come so that I could watch Thomas carry boxes. I felt like a stalker staring out the window, but I'd quickly forget the guilt when I saw him take his shirt off. 

Things returned to the way they were. Thomas would lowkey flirt with me, I’d pretend to be annoyed, but none of us would try to kiss or be intimate with the other. 

As for Steven, he’s been calling and texting me nonstop. I blocked his number but he’d buy a new SIM card and call me with a new one. But there was no way I’d take him back. He could go horse riding and bird shooting with his pretty Payten. 

“Eli,” called my mom. I yelped in surprise, quickly pulling the curtains and spinning around. My face turned red. “What are you doing?”

“Staring at the clouds,” I blurted. 

She narrowed her eyes but didn’t bother asking. “One of the maid’s told me that you needed a new suit.”

I nodded. I didn’t really need a suit, but I wanted one.

“Here, I’ll leave one of my credit cards for you,” she said, placing it on the counter. I smiled immediately. “You can go shopping this afternoon.”

“I thought we were going together.”

“I’m sorry sweetie,” she said, walking towards me. Her hips swayed side to side at each stride. She kissed me on the head. “There’s an emergency at the office.”


“Business problems,” she said, tousling my hair. 


She raised her hand and tapped the Bluetooth earpiece in her ear. “Yes? Okay, I’ll be right there.” Mom glanced towards me and mouthed a ‘I’m sorry, Eli’ before leaving my room. I bit my lower lip, feeling my chest tighten and my shoulders sag, but I quickly straightened my shoulders and grabbed her credit card, storming downstairs. I went to find Thomas. 

He didn’t even glance at me when I appeared. 

“It’s impolite to ignore people,” I huffed, extra annoyed. 

“Who are you again?”

For some reason, his question hurt. Maybe it was because I was still disappointed that my mom prioritized her business work over her own son, but I wasn’t in the mood for Thomas’s sharp comebacks. 

Steven would have smiled and kissed me and bought me flowers. 

Thomas ignored me and preferred carrying boxes. 

What did I see in this filthy rat in the first place? I must be crazy. 

“Fine. Ignore me, I don’t care.” I could still call Steven, at least he was polite enough to acknowledge my existence unless Mom and stupid Thomas. 

I turned on my heel but Thomas caught my elbow, stopping me. Thomas stared at me.

“Did I hurt your feelings because I ignored you?” Thomas seemed genuinely curious.

“Don't think so highly of yourself, nothing you do or say can hurt me. Your level or importance is just about this big," I said, pinching my fingers to show him how little he meant to me.

Thomas blinked and then smiled, taking a step closer towards me. 

“Hello, my sweet, lovely Eli, you look wonderful this morning,” he murmured. My lips parted, cheeks turning bright red. “Is that better?”


Thomas laughed and then let go of my elbow. “Eli fucking Golden," he chuckled with a head shake. I never thought swearing was hot until I met Thomas and I never would have thought that adding the F word to my name would sound flattering either. But alas...

He picked up another box and headed to the truck. I followed him. 

“I know you’re going to hate hearing this, but I can’t talk while I’m working,” Thomas said. “Your dad is going to fire me.”

“Daddy said that you can have the morning off,” I lied. Thomas raised his brows, hopping out of the trunk of the truck. 

“Daddy or Eli?” he smirked.



“I’m telling the truth,” I mumbled, even though I wasn’t. I needed attention, especially Thomas’s. “He said that he wanted you to accompany me on my shopping spree.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“Steven used to be my shopping buddy but since we broke up, I need someone else to go with me,” I said. Thomas stopped and turned towards me in surprise. 

“He broke up with you?” My heart did a little dance when I saw that Thomas looked angry.

Jealous boys were one thing, but protective ones were a whole other story. 


A/N: Please don't forget to leave a vote 💕

Q/A: Single or taken?

P.s: I made a book where I give life updates/share author related stuff. It's called "Hidee's books", you can find it on my profile if any of you are interested ;)

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