Chapter 19: Thomas

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A/N: 30.04.20

Following the theme of this book, have any of you broken something? Like a finger or arm?

I broke my toe because a friend and I were being stupid and were kicking each other (I believe we were trying out for Karate. I can't remember).

One of my toes turned purple. Good memories.


*Thomas's pov*

I stormed out of Eli's room, slamming the door so hard that the walls shook. It pissed me off. He pissed me off. Because everything he said was right.

I was being selfish for wanting him while ignoring the responsibility and consequences which basically put me in the same category as Steven, and when you're in the same boat as that guy, you know that you've hit rock bottom.

I regretted it. I regretted bending over to pick up a quarter, I regretted the bicycle crash Eli and I had, I regretted meeting him, I regretted being bent, I regretted, regretted, regretted.

And then I remembered our kiss. Our unromantic kiss behind some smelly dumpsters and suddenly, I no longer regretted. My heart raced when I remembered how his soft lips felt against mine, how his body fit perfectly against mine, how his face blushed beautifully when I held him. It felt right. All of it, every second, it felt right.

And I didn't regret it. Not one bit.

I made it home and pushed open the door. Reality hit me when I looked up and saw the dirty old furniture of my house. The contrast between my house and Eli's mansion made my nose wrinkle. Not because I envied the luxury he lived in, but because it gave me another thing to be insecure about, another reason why he and I would never work out.

Elle was sitting on the couch, hugging her knees tightly against her chest, staring at the wall in front of her.

"Hey, Elle," I murmured, sensing that something was off. "Shouldn't you be sleeping? It's late."

"Exactly," she snapped. "It's late. Where were you?"

I blinked, surprised by the tone of her voice. I was so worried about Eli that I had completely forgotten to tell Elle that I was heading out.

"I was with a... A friend," I said, taking off my jacket.

"You weren't picking up your phone."

I hung my jacket on the back of the couch and headed to the kitche.

"Thomas Klence, how many times have I told you to put your jacket on the coat hanger?!" she shouted, snatching my jacket and throwing it to the ground.

"Hey, what is your problem?!" I shouted back.

"Where were you?"

"I told you! With a friend!" I hissed, grabbing my jacket, fighting back the urge to throw it at her face and storming up the stairs. I wouldn't be able to hold back my temper tonight, not after what happened with Eli, and I knew that I said things that I didn't mean when I was mad. I needed to get to my room and fast.

But Elle wouldn't let me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me back down. "You didn't pick up your phone," she hissed. The dim light above us made her dark circles look worse.

"My phone battery died, relax," I said, trying to keep my voice down so Molly wouldn't wake up.

"Do you know how worried I was? Do you know how many times I called and texted you? I sat in the living room for three hours waiting for you! I was going to call the police!"

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