Chapter 13: Thomas

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A/N: 29.04.20

Quarantine has me way too active on Wattpad... I'm writing too much 😂

Tell me something funny/embarrassing. We love a good story time and I'd like a good laugh.

My story? A girl leaned towards me for a high five (we were playing a card game and we were partners. We won the first round) but I somehow missed her hand and high fived her chest.

She laughed awkwardly. I cringed internally. We tried again, this time it worked. Never spoke about it again.

But uh, yeah. Try to watch where you high five. Things get akward if you don't.


*Thomas's pov*

The weekend went by quickly. Eli had messaged me Friday night once he got home, but other than that, we haven't talked since.

I found myself hopefully glancing at my screen just in case he decided to spontaneously send me a "Hey, filthy rat", but nothing. And when I realized that I was disappointed, I threw my phone aside and distracted myself by studying.

I exchanged a couple of texts with Willow. She seemed much more confident through text, and I don't think she would have been able to say as many jokes if we were face-to-face, but I thought she was cute anyway; shy with a bubbly personality.

"So he just offered you a job?" Rhys deadpanned as we walked down the hallway.

"Hm? Yeah, I guess," I said in a disinterested tone, but her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Did you accept?"

"No, and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon."

"Why not?"

"Because if he already walks around so entitled and spoiled, just imagine what his dad is like," I snorted. "Besides, I'm making enough packing groceries. I don't see why I'd take the job."

'Cause I want to see Eli.

I was seriously getting tired of that devil of a consciousness gnawing in my mind. I hated to admit it, but I was disappointed when Eli had to leave Friday. I wanted him to stay a little longer, actually, a lot longer, even if it meant having to deal with his snobby personality and his constant judgmental glares.

And when he said my name just before leaving? Shit, I had to fight with everything I had in me to stop myself from asking him to stay.

He wouldn't have stayed even if I asked, but who cares? I just wanted him to know.

I mentally shook my head.

I really need to keep my distance from Eli and taking that job offer wasn't going to play in my favor. He was doing something to me and I didn't like it.

"Even if his dad is a snob, you'll still be swiping his money," Rhy said. "And you said that you'd only work weekends. That seems a hell lot better than juggling school with weekday grocery bagging."

I gave her another shrug. "Like I said, not interested."

"The Tommy I know would have leaped at the chance to get easy cash in his hands," she retorted, making me scowl.

"Easy cash but well-earned cash," I said, raising my chin. Rhys bit her lower lip.

"Is there another reason why you aren't accepting the job?" She had a knowing look in her eyes that made me feel uneasy. "And why did Eli offer you one anyway? I thought he hated you."

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