Chapter Thirteen

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"Let's begin right after the party started. We'd all gathered at the big hall in the old lodge after Togami called us there. Someone had warned Togami that there would be a murder tonight, and so he set about trying to prevent it from happening. He decided to throw a party, so he could get all of us in one place and watch over us. Then, even though not everyone was present...the party began," Hajime said.

"But, at that time, a certain person's plan was already in motion. They plugged in three irons in the storage room, and brought the power supply in the old lodge close to its limit. In addition, they set up something to turn on at 11:30 pm," you continued.

"That was the air conditioners in the big hall and the office. They set their timers so they would turn on automatically. When that happened, the air conditioners and the irons drew so much power between them that they tripped the circuit breakers. With the power off and the windows perfectly sealed, the lodge was thrown into total darkness," Hajime added on.

"But, Togami was totally prepared for this. He went into the duralumin case he brought and took out his night vision goggles! When he put the goggles on he noticed a certain white haired classmate acting suspiciously. Nagito followed the power cord of the lamp and crawled under a table. That's right! At this point everything was going according to plan and whoever was closest would be dead dead," you said, adjusting the beanie on your head.

"At the same time in the kitchen, another person- the true culprit- started working. The culprit likely knew about Nagito's plan and that the power was going to drop. That's why they had already prepared everything they needed to commit the murder in the darkness. First, a light that was the portable stove that was in the kitchen. Then, a weapon that was also something they had hidden in the kitchen. A steel skewer used for Churrasco dishes. The culprit hid one inside a large meat on a bone," Hajime said.

"So the culprit then went into the corridor and closed the fire doors! Keeping Kazuichi from seeing any of the light he was casting. So, they continued on their merry way to the storage room where they grabbed a tablecloth to avoid all the icky blood," you added on.

"Then, they used the trap door to sneak into the crawlspace under the big hall. The hall floor was full of gaps and they couldn't move around still holding a light source. Then the culprit used glow in the dark paint as a landmark and managed to reach the spot under the table," Hajime said.

"By that point Togami had prevented Nagito from taking the knife. Had he left it be he would still be here but he chose to retrieve it so nobody would get hurt. Then, the culprit thrust the steel skewer up through the floor!" You frowned.

"Then, having killed Togami, the culprit raised their voice deliberately and created an alibi for themselves. They then quickly left the crawlspace and hurried back to the kitchen. Then, after hiding the tools they used, they mixed with the rest of us, feigning innocence," Hajime continued.

"But there's only one person who could've thought of such an odd spot for a weapon," you said.

"Isn't that so Teruteru Hanamura?" Hajime asked.

"W-w-what?! I-I would-"

"It's voting time!" Monokuma announced. You sighed softly as you voted before looking over at the monochromatic bear.

"Upupupu! That's correct! Teruteru Hanamura was the culprit!" Monokuma laughed.

"That was so stressful," you muttered, falling to your knees.

"(Y/N)!" Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Gundham and Peko exclaimed, the four instantly at your side.

"Hey Teruteru, why did you do it?" You asked him.

"I-I-I-" Teruteru sighed softly. "I saw him placing the knife. I didn't want him to kill anyone. I did it out of self defense!"

"You wanted to stop him from killing one of us?" Mahiru asked.

"You could have told us," you told him, still sitting on your knees.

"Bu-but-" Teruteru said. "I-I wanted my memories. Like the bear promised," he said.

"Wait, memories?" You asked.

"You were passed out during that part. The bear said if we killed we would get our memories back," Kazuichi told you as he helped you stand.

"Damn. Maybe I should've killed," you said. "That was a joke! Wrong timing sorry!" You said quickly. "But Teruteru, what were you trying to remember?"

"My mama," he said softly.

"It's punishment time!" Monokuma announced.

"You aren't even giving him his fucking memories?!" Fuyuhiko yelled.

"That's not my problem! I have all of my memories!" Monokuma laughed before hitting a button. You and your classmates slowly took a few steps back before a collar snapped around Teruteru's neck and dragged him back quickly.

"Teruteru!" You yelled, running after him before a barred wall closed behind him.

"No! No!" You yelled, shaking the bars. Sure he was a pervert but nobody deserved to die. Not like however this bear planned.

"Stop," Mahiru told you softly as she wrapped her arms around you.

"He can't kill him. He can't," you cried. "We're just trying to survive!"

"Wait, what's on the screen?" Kazuichi asked as you pulled away from Mahiru to look at the screen. Teruteru was tied to a pole on the beach, a helicopter looming in the distance. You watched confused before seeing missiles hit him, covering him with something you couldn't really tell. You watched as a bigger missile came from the helicopter and sprayed Teruteru with flower. The chain dragging Teruteru behind it as it flew before coming upon a volcano.

"No, nonononono!" You yelled as he was dropped into the volcano. Kazuichi and Gundham instantly at your side as your knees buckled underneath you.

"He's dead," you said softly. "He's dead," you cried.

"We couldn't have done anything," Kazuichi told you softly as he hugged you.

"The fucker shouldn't have killed anyone," Fuyuhiko said.

"No, you shouldn't have fucking threatened to kill and then make a plan to kill!" You yelled at Nagito. "This is your fault! Two of our friends are dead. And they aren't- they aren't coming back. And I helped get rid of Teruteru. I technically killed him," you said softly.

"No you didn't," Mahiru told you.

"Yeah, Nagito did. Nagito killed both of them," you said bitterly. "If this is the route we're going, I want no part in it. If you plan on killing leave me the fuck out of it. I just wanted to have friends for fucks sake!" You cried.

"You do have friends," Nagito said.

"Friends don't fucking kill each other! Or plan to! Just leave me alone. All of you," you said softly, handing Kazuichi his beanie before leaving quickly.



The trial is over. Not to worry, you will make amends with the marshmallow character soon. But this took fucking forever. Hope you enjoyed the trial!

Btw the entire trial plus execution was 13,501 words and my hands hurt because I wrote it all in one day.

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