Chapter Twenty Four

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"The body was propped up against the door leading out of the house. Correct Hajime?" You asked him.

"Well, yeah," he nodded slightly.

"The body clearly wasn't there to begin with. From the brief moment I saw the body, there were drag marks so that it would be propped up against the door. If you haven't noticed which you probably haven't because you're all dumb ass motherfuckers apparently. Hiyoko is far too small to carry Mahiru like that. If she did she would have gotten blood on herself and if we all remember correctly she can't change her kimono on her own. Now do you fucking get it?" You asked them sharply.

"That does make sense," Nekomaru admitted.

"Ibuki agrees! There's no way Hiyoko could've carried Mahiru's body!" Ibuki smiled.

"What about your shoe at the scene?" Peko asked you.

"Chiaki, while I was walking with you I was complaining about someone stealing a single shoe of mine. Correct?" You asked the girl.

"Yeah, you seemed really upset by it," Chiaki said softly.

"This person only took one shoe from me. Not to mention if I committed this murder I wouldn't have made it on time to meet up for the beach day the girls were planning. Nagito, when you were apparently getting shoe samples. Did you happen to see the other shoe?" You asked.

"Well, yeah. I did!" Nagito nodded.

"Exactly. The Monokuma file also gives an estimate as to when Mahiru died. I was still getting ready to meet up with everyone to go swimming. I hadn't played the game because I promised unlike some of you fucks. And, I have the supporting alibi of Chiaki who was walking with me to meet up with everyone. Now, if it couldn't have been me or Hiyoko or Fuyuhiko then who could it have been? We know Akane showed up late with blood on her because she was fighting Nekomaru. Is that right Nekomaru?" You asked, tapping your fingers on the podium before you.

"Correct! We were training!" Nekomaru nodded.

"Hajime and Kazuichi were at the diner together so they would have known if the other wasn't there. My proposal is that unfortunately it was Peko Pekoyama who killed Mahiru," you said softly. "As much as I don't wish it to be."

"Where's your evidence?" Peko asked sharply, turning to face you with a cold look that sent shivers up your spine.


"Well firstly, you were late to meet with everyone to go swimming. You stated you had already gone swimming and were covered in water. Hajime, weren't there drinks in the beach house?" You asked softly.

"Yes there were. All the water bottles were thrown away," Hajime said.

"That doesn't prove anything. Hiyoko's footprints were the ones leading out," Peko said sharply.

"Hiyoko, the other night at the pool you mentioned you don't like yellow gummies. Correct?" You asked her.

"They taste nasty," Hiyoko nodded.

"Then why would she leave behind gummies that she doesn't eat? She wouldn't have them to begin with? Make sense?" You asked everyone.

"That does make sense," Nagito said.

"Here's my proposition of events. Peko lured Hiyoko in and knocked her out. She probably hid her in the closet or bathroom. Then Mahiru meets her. She kills her and props her against the door. She also dumps my fucking shoe. She then uses the bottles of water to clear the blood and leaves through the window in the bathroom using her bamboo sword thingy. Hiyoko comes out, there's a dead body. She runs. Then body discovery," you said bluntly, doing little jazz hands. "But of course you need evidence for all that. I wasn't allowed to do shit so have fun."

"Right. I'll um-I'll take it from here," Hajime said.

"Yeah yeah fuck you."



Hi! This is very short. Sorry! I wanted to give you something for waiting so long.

I'm also publishing part of my Haikyuu x fem!reader right after this.

Thank you for waiting and I'll keep writing!!

Super Danganronpa 2 X Reader [EDITING]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora