New Addition

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So, we must have split again? Maybe it was work and how stressed we got (we were sleep-deprived and moving slow. We also work in fast-food, so speed is key)
Or perhaps family situation?
Or the fact we're moving out for the first time?
Slight stress....

Anyways, so I was laying in bed last night, extremely tired but I couldn't sleep! So I was listening to music, Frozen 2 soundtrack cause, why not?
And I decided that I had enough of fronting and I knew Kate was close to front, so I just kinda left? And as I'm jamming out to 'Into the unknown' in our innerworld, I come face-to-face with a stranger! I was like."wha......hi?" her name is Hannah, funny girl and she even jammed out with me to frozen. Very friendly but I found she was slightly (a lot) sexual? It was quite strange. I would like to know more about her, but I know we aren't free to talk till Wednesday-Thursday.
Personally I'm not that keen on any intimate relationships, so her boldness gave off a very uncomfortable vibe for me. I'll have to bring her up at the next system meeting, see what we should do about her. We can't just let her front without supervision, we know nothing about her and from what I saw last night she can get a little intense.
We'll have to show her the ropes, but till then she cannot front under any circumstances, we don't have the opportunity to mess up at the moment. So much can go wrong and so badly.
I don't trust her and neither does Kate or Liz, Joey isn't a huge fan either. So until we know her better, we hope to keep her inside.
But we also know how unfair it is on her. She didn't ask for that, but neither did we! Elizabeth says we're looking out for more than just one person, that includes Hannah. For the good of the system and outerworld, we need to stay in control of our life for the moment. Then we can risk it, when things are in order.

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