19: Perfidious Mind Games

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Hey everyone,

So I've been slowly going through this story and realize I wrote a really dark scene and it hasn't boded well for me this entire time. I finally found time to rewrite it and hope you like it. 


If there was one word Elle could describe the current situation she was in, it would be perfidious. A word meaning treacherous. She viewed it as either being the conversation she was about to undergo or the situation as a whole.

"What do you remember?" Peter asked her.

His question was out of the blue. She turned letting her hazel eyes melt into his. Elle looked away and Peter grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him.

"To be honest, I do not remember much," she said, "The only thing I remember was I think you pushing me into the water. I'm not even sure about that."

Peter sighed and Elle felt guilty and murmured an apology.

"Don't be sorry for something that was not your fault," Peter told her, "Besides, I'm sure you'll remember your time here. You'll remember the Lost Boys. Neverland. Me."

Elle gave Peter an unsure look and looked at Henry with concern.

"What do you want with him?"

"It does not concern you."

"Like hell it doesn't," Elle stood with clenched fists, "I will protect him."

Peter's eyes flickered deviously, "You'll do anything for that boy, won't you?"

"What are you playing at?" She asked him and he rose to meet her.

He grabbed a hold of her wrist and they reappeared inside a cove of some kind. 

"What are we doing here?" Elle demanded. 

Peter summoned an object and upon closer inspection found it was a shell. His lips found her ear, "Blow into it and find out."

With no other choice, Elle blew into the shell. Its haunting sound was heard throughout the cove. Heads surfaced and Elle gritted her teeth. Mermaids... 

"Peter," one of them greeted in a flirtatious tone. 

This mermaid had a blue tail and long blonde hair. She wore a top of shells and her emerald eyes cast a dirty look Elle's way, "It's been so long since you've seen us. We missed you terribly. Why have you not come to visit us?"

Peter stared coldly in return, "I've been busy, Clarissa."

Elle's eye twitched at the mermaid's words. What was this feeling she had growing inside of her. The way the mermaid was talking to Peter did not sit well with her. Her left hand turned into a fist at her sides as Clarissa continued, "Did you bring as a gift? It's been so long since we've had a beautiful maiden in our waters."

Peter shook his head and Clarissa sat on a rock, wrapping her arms around Peter possessively. Elle saw her lick Peter's ear and looked at the blonde with a devious smirk, "Peter, perhaps you need to relax... We all know you enjoyed it last time."

That was the last straw as Elle moved Peter out of the mermaid's arms and proceeded to dunk the fish's head under the water. 

Peter smirked, "Hmmm, what an interesting turn of events. Though love, you do realize she is a mermaid and she can breathe under the water, right?"

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