22: The Aftermath of a Curse

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Peter sat on his log in deep thought. He then smiled wickedly at the choices made by his foes. His game was playing in his favours.

"Felix," He ordered, "Gather the Lost Boys and reconvene at clearing on the outskirts of camp three. Ensure you hide yourself on top of the hill and surrounding area. A fight will be in order."

"As you wish, Pan," Felix said obediently.

Once his second in command was gone, Peter turned his attention to the other situation. He knew Elle had left to find the family and she lied to him about it. However, her presence died down not long after she left the camp. It brought Peter a great concern as a white flower blew into the camp and landed on his hand.

Peter furrowed his eyebrow at the arrival of the new piece in his game. He summoned his powers to burn the flower instantly. He had not planned for such a factor in his games, but now that it made its presence known, it only pushed him to attain his goals. He stood and changed into clothes the boy wore. He frowned missing his old outfit and kept his back turned to the clearing. He heard voices and grinned wickedly at the plan he set in motion.

"Henry!" The Saviour, Emma, cried out.

With an evil grin, Peter turned around, "Hi, Emma."

"Where the hell is Henry?" Emma demanded.

"You broke the rules," Peter said disappointed, "That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, Captain."

"Aye," Hook snarled, "And you'll get it."

"Give Henry to me," Emma said.

"Sorry. Can't" Peter shrugged and stopped walking, "Don't you know? Cheaters never win."

Once he said the signal, the Lost Boys came out with their weapons drawn. The ambush had gone on perfectly.

"Watch out for their arrows," Hook warned, "They're laced with Dreamshade."

Then the battle commenced. The heroes put up a fight disarming his Lost Boys. He did not underestimate their strength. He grinned seeing one of their arrows skimming the prince. Something that could be used against them in the future, Peter formulated in his mind.

"It's been a while, Captain," Felix said crossing blades with her father.

"Not long enough," Hook snarled.

The pair crossed blades and Hook grinned, "You remember what I did to Rufio? Well, it's a far worse fate for you."

Peter clenched his jaw at the reminder of the traitor who took the one person he loved away from him. He recomposed himself and saw the Saviour tackle one of his boys, Devin. When he saw what he wished to see, he whistled for them to retreat.

"Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is... Only when you stop denying who you really are."

Emma glared at him and Peter kept an even stare, "I'll make sure to send Henry your regards."

They retreated from the battle and when he returned to their base camp, he looked at Felix.

"Watch the boys while I am gone," Peter ordered his second in command.

"Of course," Felix said, obedient.

Peter headed off into the jungle. After seeing the omen, he knew what transpired.

"Peter," Elle warned him, "We should not have done this. Did curiosity not kill the cat?"

"Where is your sense of adventure?" he asked her, "A visit such as this may be the key to all our answers."

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