27: A Game of Trust

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Elle tracked down Hook and saw him cutting vines alone. Peter was in the camp and said nothing as she left. She knew she needed to confront her father. While he was back with the heroes, Elle easily was able to send a word to him and saw him waiting for her at the same cliff they were at previous. 

"Father," she acknowledged. 

"Elena," Hook replied in a similar manner. 

The bond between them was strained as Elle remembered everything from her past. However, she was also conflicted as the recent memories of her first encounter with Hook in the Enchanted Forest reminded her of the old bond repairing itself. 

"I wanted to talk," Elle said. 

"You're starting to sound like him," Hook frowned.

"You didn't take his deal," Elle noticed.

"Aye," her father said, "Working for the demon would only lead to my eventual death. You saw what happened to Greg and Tamara."

"If this is your way of trying to sway my mind, it is a lousy attempt."

"I did not come here on my own for that," Hook answered, "And your little boyfriend stopped by earlier saying the same thing."

"Peter stopped by earlier?"

Her father nodded his head, "That he did."

"What was your past with Peter?" Elle asked him, "What was he referring to?"

Hook looked out at the sky, "Perhaps it's time I finally tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"About my brother, Liam."

As Hook told his tale of his first encounter with Pan and his origins of piracy, Elle felt sympathetic. The tale of her uncle was a bitter one. 

"He was dead long before you were born," Hook frowned, "He would have loved meeting you."

"I see," Elle said, emotionless.

"Would you kill Peter at the cost of my happiness?"

Hook lifted his head to meet Elle's face, "I would not."

"But you would kill him to ensure Henry is safe?" Elle replied. 

"Would you not do the same?" He asked and Elle was quiet. 

"In the past," she began, "I would die for Henry in a heartbeat, but now... Well, it seems I would have inherited your selfishness. My happy ending is too good to pass up. My endgame would be Henry leaving with the heroes and I stay here with Peter living the rest of my days here."

"So we're on opposite sides once again," Hook said, bitterly. 

"It would appear that way," Elle said, saddened by the words, "Would you kill me if you had to?"

"Elle..." Her father said, "I could never kill you, Milah would hate me."

"But you would ruin your daughter's chances at happiness?"

"You do not know what love is. He is just using you," Hook replied, "Once he's done with you, he'll throw you to the side."

"You're wrong," Elle shook her head, "He cares for me. He loves me."

"If he loves you, she wouldn't take your heart."

"Enough!" Elle lashed out and Hook froze seeing his daughter had summoned thorns.

Her eyes were manic and her breathing laboured, "He loves me. You do not know what you are talking about. There are worst things than death, Hook."

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