38: Labour of Love

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Hook jolted awake and wheezed. It was dark with one eye being shut. When he tried to stand, his body faced immeasurable pain. 

"Is this a bloody trick" He grunted loudly. 

Just as he was about to step out a voice stopped him.

"Stop," a girl told him. 

He froze and looked at the girl across from him. 

"That's exactly what it is," she said, eyes closed, "A trick. Don't move. He wants you to think you can escape. But you can't. No one can."

"Aye?" The pirate breathed heavily, "We'll see about that."

He placed his foot on the lower step and the girl's voice snapped to him, "Don't."

Hook was silent. 

"He'll hunt you down," she said scared.

"Hades has already done his worst to me," Hook told her.

"I don't mean Hades," the girl frowned. 

"Who then?" Hook asked

"No," she shook her head, "Just don't."

"Look," Hook said, starting to get frustrated with her cowardice, "This isn't my first cell. I don't just sit around and rot. Now, somebody's come down here to save me, and I need to make her job easier."

Now the girl met his eyes, "How do you know she's here?"

"She got me a message," Hook replied.

"How do you know that wasn't one of Hades' tricks?"

"Because I know," Hook said to her, "When you love someone, you know. What's keeping us in here?"

Fear etched across her face, "Something you don't want to face."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Hook stepped down, "Time to go."

He limped over to the girl and stretched out his arm towards her. 

"You're mad," the girl said to him in disbelief. 

"Perhaps," Hook agreed, "But I'm the best chance you have."

She took his hand and rose to her feet. 

"Are you ready?" Hook asked.

She nodded her head.

"Alright, go. Go!" Hook pushed her ahead of himself and they ran. 

The growling of a beast echoed throughout the area. The girl shuddered. 

"I told you. We'll never make it," The girl cried out. 

"We won't. But you will. I'll draw the beasts away. You run! And once you're free, find Emma Swan. I'm Captain Killian Jones. Captain Hook. Tell her to find me."

"Okay," the girl nodded her head. 


Once the girl fled, Hook turn his attention to across the corridor. He heard footsteps and he wondered if that was the monster that plagued this prison. The footsteps faded and Hook released a shaky breath. 

After walking down another corridor, he saw red eyes and knew who he was dealing with. Cerberus, Hades' guard dog. In no time, Hook was at Hades' feet, groaning. 

"This is going to be an exciting day," Hades smirked. 

"It will be... When I kill you," Hook replied.

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