Chapter 4 - You're like me!?

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|| Before chapter starts, if you dont know the mistake in the video that is up here, than please try to found because thats only mistake i found in hole movie so far||


I was picking my books for frist class from my locker when my spider sense sensed something. I look behind me and see that kid from yesterday that I talk a little in Physicist class. He is walking awkradly, trying to pull his pants down. Then I  heard someone say my name.

???: "Gwen, hey."

I turned to and see Y/N walking to me.

Gwen: "Oh, hey."

He seems to be looking at that kid that just passed.

Gwen: "So you too think that he walks awkradly?" - I asked him.

Y/N: "Yea, his pants seemed to short for him... wait wasn't he shorter than you yesterday?"

Gwen: "Emmm, I don't know, I didn't see how tall he is."

Y/N: "Eh, nevermind, better we go before bells rings."

We went to our classes, but I was still curious about that boy.


I am heading to my 3rd class of the day and Y/N was in it too. While I am walking the hall, my spider sense  went off, I turn around a little and see that boy from moring, so I casually walk backwards until we bump into each other.

I let out a high-pitched whine because I didn't expect that we will bump that hard into each other.

Gwen: "Oh! Are you okay?" - I asked playing it that I didn't expect it after I turned around to face him.



I had weirdest moring. Everything that I wear is now to short for me.

And why are my thoughs so loud. Then I bumped into somebody and they let out high-pitched whine.

I turned around and saw that I bumped into that new girl. Oh gosh.

Gwen: "Oh! Are you okay?"

???/Miles: "What?" - Then I start to sweat.

Gwen: *I see him to start sweating.*

???/Miles: "Why am I so sweaty???" - *I though*

Gwen: "Why are you so sweaty?"

???/Miles: "It's a puberty thing. I don't know why I said that. I'm not going trough puberty. I did. But I'm done. (*'cool' and deep voice*) I'm a man."

Gwen: "This is getting awkrad." - I tought.

Then Miles trys to save himself from the awkradness.

???/Miles: "--So you're, like, new here, right? We got that in common."

Gwen: "Yeah, that's one thing."

???/Miles: "Cool, yeah. I'm Miles."

Gwen: "I'm G - Waaaanda." - *Nearly said my name again but made it awkrad, AGAIN!*

Miles: "Wait, your name is Gwanda?"

Gwen: "Think something, Gwen." *I said to myself*

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