Chapter 16 - The Attack Part 1

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Ceremony day finally came and I, of all of people, have to watch most fake good owner of a company, give a medal to captain George Stacy. I know that's Gwen's dad, but I couldn't found any information about him. He was ordered to be given an medal because he saved my ass while I was holding a a heavy truck not falling on injured citezens and one of thief's who made this mess, tried to shoot me, but Captain Stacy jumped and moved a gun before it fired, injured after he smashed his car into the thiefs truck to stop their escape. And well, Fisk aka Kingpin begin smart ass, he decided to make a ceremony for him because him saving "most beloved hero in the city" and that all said Kingpin just to keep good status with media when he isn't.

Reason why he isn't behind bars already it's because I and some others know for his crimes and Experiment, but we don't have true evidence to arrest him and because of that, I have to secretly watch and protect him and Cap. Stacy because Kingpin made a lot of villans... I mean basickly every mine villans. So you can say in this situation: "Enemy of my enemy is my friend.",but I don't want that way because if Kingpin dies, it can end bad for me for not protecting big "Good" guy in public eyes, so instend of hanging out with Spider-Fam, I have to sit on the rooftop and watch shit talk from Kingpin... this is my life right here.

Right now, I'm over looking the stages where ceremony will occur from one of nearby roofs. There are a lot of people gathering which doesn't help, as the same that Harry and S/N will be there also, jeezs.

Y/N: "Anything suspisious down there Harry?" - I ask Harry over our coms.

Harry: "No, nothing yet. I gonna call you when it does, but right now try to calm down and hope everything goes well."

Y/N: "Not easy when your last member of family is there too."

Harry: "She'll be all right Y/N, I will protect her. Now shut up, it starts."

Y/N: "Fine, thanks."

So ceremony has started and I am on the roof, over looking it, bored. Then I hear landing behind me. I turn around and see Mysterio.

Y/N: "Beck, what are you doing here?"

Yes, Mysterio revealed his identity to SHEILD so that's why i know his identity, but I didn't so he still has to call me spidey or Phantom or whatever.

Mysterio: "I heared for this ceremony soo Fury send me to watch it, but I didn't expect you begin here."

Y/N: "Well, I wouldn't be here if wasn't for Kingpin making this and I didn't expect Fury begin that worried?"

Mysterio: "He i-isn't worried..."

I raised an eyebrow.

Mysterio:"...Okay, maybe he is, but just for Fisk's and yours safety."

Y/N: "So Fury knew I would be here and you just said you didn't know I was here?"

I raised other eyebrow at him.

Mysterio: "... Okay, maybe I lied about that."

Y/N: "(Sighs) Did Fury send you to babysit me or watch me?"

Mysterio: "... Yes."

I face palmed.

Y/N: "God dam him... atleast now I have someone to talk to."

Mysterio: "Sorry, I tried but he gave me his death stare."

Y/N: "Of course he did."

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