8 Boys R Gossips

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Once everyone had got to the middle, coach told us about the training program. We would be training in partners on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Separately on Tuesday, Thursday, and sometimes Saturday to ensure that we still keep our individual skill level up as well as our partner work. Sunday was our day off, our time to recover from a very hardcore week. But we all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we went for the international team... no pain no gain and all that jazz.

We split into girls and boys for the coaches to tell us separate information.

Coach told us that our individual training would run like it normally did with each of us having a set time for one on one training and the others doing some kind of group training or on something you think that you need to improve on and can do yourself (safety first peeps). It will be the same kind of layout with the partners, we will have set time slots the only difference being that we get two coaches. Coach Gemma will most likely teach the girls and give them tips and maybe occasionally give us feedback on probably how to make the girls' life easier. Coach Williams will do the same for us boys. Because we only have 3 days of partner training, we will be having 2 days of the actual trick side of it and the last day would be partner conditioning. Ugh Im tired just thinking about it. Of course I will have to figure out what to do about school like normal, but its the summer now so that can be future Harrys problem.

After that inspiring talk, the coaches let us go to our respective changing rooms.

we said our goodbyes to our partners and went back to our changing rooms where we hung out and then left to do our own thing.

Well, that is what would of happened, but as it is Holly stopped me by grappling my arm. "Hey Hols, what's wrong?" She blushed at the nickname, and I had to forcefully stop my gay coming out and smooshing her cheeks. Damn I am a weird kid.

"I was just wondering whether I could have your number if... well ... you know... for an emergency. Never mind it was a stupid idea... forget I said anything" she rushed off obviously embarrassed at herself well she tried to rush off. Unluckily for her, my seeker reflexes kicked in and I grabbed her hand to stop her once I had gotten over my surprise at her request. I pulled her back and smiled at her but that faded when I saw how nervous she looked. So, I did what any person would do in my situation... I kissed her...

Joking, joking I'm gay and wouldn't cheat on that idiot Malfoy so quickly... he doesn't know we are dating but he will... when I get the courage to ask him out... so never. Oh well it was a nice day dream and let's be honest... dat arse and dose hips man he is like walking sin. Not fair to us gays.

Anyway, we are way off topic. So, ok I didn't kiss her. I did the next best thing. I hugged her. At first, she was really stiff but eventually she relaxed into me. I decided not to question why she was stiff, or how many times she had been touched like this. PLATONICALY! Get your mind out of the gutter you weird kids. I meant like... you know what... you know exactly what I meant and are just being difficult so I ain't going to explain suckers.

After a while of us just hugging she pulled back

" Thanks Harry I really needed that." she said smiling.

"It's no problem, Hols I am always here if you need someone. An ear, a shoulder, or just a hug." I said smiling back, "Anyway I would be happy to give you my number. How about we both go to our changing rooms and meet back here."

I got a confirmatory nod and we both walked back to our changing room. I would love to say that I was allowed to walk straight in and out without a fuss but that would be lying. The person who said that girls are the gossipers have definitely never met these boys.

As soon as I walked through the door all the conversation stopped. Not gunna lie it was very dramatic. Now I am a very dramatic person so when this happened, I just took in my stride and yelled "IM BACK BITCHES!!"and like the amazing people they are they screamed "OUR QUEEN HAS RETURNED!!!" damn I love these guys. So, then I tried to casually walk to my bag like no big deal and they just watched me. When I grabbed my bag, they blocked me in.

"Nope hun that ain't happnin'" Jackson said. I swear these guys are sometimes so gay like for real. Jackson seemed to of snapped them out of their trance. It was like the damn had broken and I almost drowned as they throw questions at me left, right and centre.

"What happened, "what did she want" being the few I caught. So, I took a deep breath and shouted at the top of my breath "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOTS" That did the trick honestly why do I surround myself with such plebs, oh yeah, they are my friends. Gosh I have weird taste. "I am trying to get her phone number so can I please get to my bag" I said in exasperation. This got a lot of wolf whistled even though they know I am gay. Bunch of buffoons if you ask me. I decided that they didn't need the details... they would have to beg for them. I also wouldn't be against chocolate. Hey! I am very shallow ok. But before they started digging I made a mad dash for my bag. I had decided that I would just change outside. I just ran past them bag and all. Wow I thought and it's supposed to be girls who are gossips.

Now I know you are all wondering about how I have a phone, but basically to sum it up Magical Britain are very far behind. I was shopping a Magical district in America (I went there with Gym one time and decided to do some site seeing) and found Technomagic. Next thing I know I have a phone and a laptop which are all magic immune and have cool side features like holograms. That made my brothers day let me tell you.

So back to now. I walked outside and apologised to Holly who just laughed at my expense when I told her what had happened. We hugged and switched numbers then she walked of in the direction of, what I'm guessing, is the direction of her house. You know what, its so weird, I really feel like I can trust her. Something just settles my magic. Huh I guess I am getting a new sister.

Yooooo I'm back. Sorry it's late. Pls comment.

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