12. Jumping Lesson

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Damn these horses I just got bitten!

'Sorry boss you surprised me is all' apologised galaxy.
"Don't worry girl it's not that bad" I replayed still slightly worried for my mental state.

After about half an hour, I had collected all 8 horses and checked that they were all healthy, fit and getting impatient. The problem was that now they knew I could understand them, I was their favourite new and reliable source of information of what was happening today and of course gossip. Which is how I ended up how we were at the moment, the horses all still in there stalls but they had their heads pocking out and there ears pricked forward. I was then sat on a mounting block in the middle of the two rows of stables with 4 horses on each side having a 'mothers meeting'. Oh my saness is going. I can feel it leaving me drop by drop. I'm talking to horses... Real live walking horses and the worst thing is... They are talking back. Next I'll be talking to dragons.

"Hey Harry are the horses all healthy to go?" Asked onyx
"Yup, they're all good to go." I said standing up from where I was bending over stars foot as she had been complaining about it being sore.
"That's cool as the riders are all starting to turn up" .
I put stars hoof down and walked out, mentally preparing myself for peopleing.

The riders slowly started trickling in and soon the air was filled with talking and laughter of people reuniting with old friends and saying friendly hellos to their horses.

Now that the riders were all here, The elites went and did whatever girls do when they were alone, leaving me alone to look after all the riders. Luckily there wasn't much for me to do apart from supervise as they all just got on with what they were supposed to do. Making my job nice and easy.

Everyone went and got their grooming kits that they had left in the tack room and the few that didn't have any used the schools spares and they finally started the day off.

After a while, I saw that they were all getting along and I trusted this group. so I walked of to go and find the girls.

"So what are your plans in the school girls." Everyone looked at Dove and Hannah intrigued at what their plans were.
"Uh we were thinking of doing a jumping Charlie at the end" hannah started

(that is when they all go over one jump and each time they go ever it it goes up one time higher. When You nock it over your out. Kinda like last one standing)

"And mabey do a course to start with" dove carried on. I nodded thinking it over
"Hmm yes that should work. How about you start off with an easy course and practise that with you helping. Then over break they can design their own course so they can make it as easy or hard as they want but it will be timed and you won't help them. Well try not to anyway."
Dove and Hannah looked at each other then nodded at me in conformation to that plan.
"ok I'll start with being with you two and they will go and help the cross country lot. Now do enlighten us on what your plans are" I said turning on Onyx and Ariana.

They outlined their plan. It was to start at the small jumps feild which had a short course around the edge and a few practise jumps in the middle. I wouldn't be there for that bit. They would then start on the medium hight ones but progress to that course where they will practise the hard jumps on there then be timed. Then they would end it with a race on the long course with medium jumps unless they want to do smaller jumps but that is unlikely.

Just as the we finished ironing out any creases in the plans, the riders came in to get their tack. Perfect timing I thought as we completely finished up.

I sent Arianna and Onyx to go tack up Autem and Jet as they would need them for cross-country. Dove and Hannah would just turn out their horses in the field next to the pit were they would be doing the jumping so they could watch. What can I say... Horses are nosy. Though I also wanted to hear what their commentary would be... So I'm just as bad.

It took a while but finally all the students were done tacking up. One by one they went over to the Mounting block and mounted their horse luckily with no accidents. Arianna and Onyx then returned on their horses, Autem and Jet, ready to take their group oy to cross country. I watched them off, holding open the first gate out into the fields leading to the cross country courses to help them out a bit. what can I say... a true gentleman.

I then ran to catch up with Dove and Hannah who lead their group to the pit.

It was all going smoothly with Dove and Hannah giving tips on how to effectively walk the course - "just imagine you are jumping a clear round. Let it flow through you!" And me being me giving tips my kind of way - "how many times do I have to tell you? Keep your heels down!!" Or the classic- "USE THE COURNERS!! They are there for a reason." What can I say. It is effective and stays in their head. Though lets be honest we all do it. Its much easier to go the short way.

It was all going so well untill Quinn (Hannahs horse) started acting up in the field, shouting for help saying her she had broken her foot and needed surgery immediately. honestly such a drama queen, she was literally just standing there. Luckily Hannah being the amazing handler and person she is jumped the fence and walked over to the freaking-out horse. Quinn calmed down a bit as her trusted friend came near enough that she showed her what was wrong. All it was was a little thorn stuck in her hoof. Nasty If I do say so but still quite an over reaction. Luckily Hannah took it all in her stride and plucked it out then carried on with the lesson like nothing out of the ordinary happened. The whole event just showed how strong their bond was and I couldn't be more proud of how far they had come.

We then carried on how the lesson was planned. I watched as the girls built up a course from single jumps to an entire 8 jump course and gave constructive criticism to the eager riders who were soaking it all up like sponges. Slowly but surely everyone managed to do the full course with no faults or time faults (we timed their last run) and triumph was high in the air. So much that we called it a break and ended on a high.

I had to say my goodbyes to the jump group for now, as in the break I had a lot of work to do. After the break they would do a different course which the riders planed in their break and build themselves near the end. Obviously with Dove and Hannah overlooking and having approved of the course.

whilst they were busy I went over my list of jobs.

Firstly, I went and did a quick check on the horses that I had been told too look after as unofficial helper of the vet. I made sure that each of them had a full water bucket and Hay net. Then I checked that all their injuries were healing well and cleanly. That done I needed to get a new stable ready as someone had called ahead asking for a posh stable as they wanted to leave a horse here. I don't know details. I just do my job.

That done I took out a peice of paper that had all of today's riders' names on. What?! I am rubbish at names don't judge. I can recognise faces but putting names to said faces is really hard. Weird huh. Fortunately I had some time on my hands and had made this sheet of paper. I have organised it into the two groups with the riders names followed by their horses.


Dove - cracker
Hannah - Quinn

Blaire - tango
Hugo - mayhem
Willow - starburst
Jace - robin

Cross Country:

Arianna - autem
Onyx - jet

Harper - starlight
Leo - moonlight
Dixie - nemo
Zane - fasts sparks (sparks)

Yoooooooooo I'm back ik yall missed me

Harry Potter gymnast and dragon charmer. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora