Chapter 20

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I sit nervously on the throne in Capitol Hall, Adair and Landon both standing before me. Members of Tricouncil should be arriving any minute.

"We'll wait outside while Tricouncil meets," Landon says, eyeing the doorway. "Then we'll come back in before you start accepting callers."

"No," I say with surprising force, and both blonde heads snap up in surprise. "You'll remain where you are."

"You know that only Tricouncil members are permitted to sit in on briefings—even short, customary ones like this." Adair studies me, like he suspects something more is going on. He's not wrong. I'm about to do something that will either serve me well in the long run, or begin my slow unravel. Only time will tell between the two.

"This will be brief, but not customary," I confirm. "We won't just be going over the Court caller process. I have further business." Adair's eyes brighten with curiosity, while Landon looks terrified.

"All the more reason for us to leave! Diem, you can't go against proper procedure like this. You've only just been instated. It won't look good." Landon looks to Adair for help as I let out a nervous laugh. 

Can't go against procedure? If only he knew what I'm about to do.

Adair shrugs, a muscle in his jaw twitching as he tries to hide a smile. "It's her decision." Landon stares at him, mouth agape.

"No, it isn't. It's not allowed." His eyes shift to the door, his look of horror growing as the members of Tricouncil begin to enter the hall.

"She's the queen," Adair says, meeting my eyes.

In no time at all I've learned to interpret his looks, and now I suspect that I may have misunderstood many of them throughout the years. He has tells against the open cruelty he spews; I just wasn't looking for them. His features will grow hard with anger, but the same thing happens when he's nervous. I always thought he was aggressive at his core, every bit the violent soldier. Somehow I never realized it has more to do with concealing an innate urge for defense.

There's more to him than meets the eye—I'm sure of that now. He seems not to trust anyone, or anything. I don't take the present look of comradery in his eyes for granted.

"It's allowed if she says it's allowed," he concludes, moving to stand beside me. Landon looks as though he's been insulted.

Approaching footsteps from outside the hall increase in volume. Adair trails his hand over my arm as he turns to face our new audience, a tingle inching up my spine. It's nothing, I tell myself, unable to help the blush in my cheeks. I hope no one notices as they shuffle in, coming to stand before us in a line. Landon follows Adair's lead, standing on the other side of my throne. Unlike my Watcher, he keeps his distance.

The Ancients look stoic. If any of them are surprised to see my guests, none of their expressions convey it. Thane looks mildly curious, but unconcerned. Fuar Caven is the first to speak, and as I could have predicted, he sounds furious. The urge to roll my eyes overcomes me despite my nerves.

"Tricouncil shall not commence with outsiders present," he booms, stepping forward out of the lineup.

"This is not a formal Tricouncil meeting, Fuar. This is a procedure preparation." Not exactly the truth. I straighten my back and try to sound authoritative.

"Regardless, no discussion can be opened with outsiders present!" His expression shoots daggers, but he takes a step back.

"I understand you ran a Tricouncil meeting in my absence, and I'm grateful for your service." I pause, looking up and down the line of them. They're rapt with attention, all understanding that something important is happening.

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