Huh? Big Three Together?

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Olympus POV

"This is just brilliant, Zeus," Hades growled.

It was a Monday morning, and they were all in the messy, stinky subway. Despite the panic attacks, Zeus still went on with the plan. He enrolled everyone in Goode high school, in New York, mostly because that's where all the demigods are staying, and it's closer to home.

Zeus glared at his brother. "It serves a purpose," he said. "After this experience, I expect us to be a nice, non-arguing family."

"Totally!" Aphrodite said from the back seat. "I mean, like, who are we, the Kardashians?" 

"Who's that?" Hephaestus asked from his seat next to Poseidon.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes at her husband. "Try getting out of your forges more and watch TV," she advised.

"This day is gonna suck," Hermes whined.

"Oh, before I forget," Athena declared, "we need new names. I mean, we can't go around with names of Greek mythology gods."

"My name will be..." Aphrodite thought hard. "Angelina!"

"Then I'll be Brad," Apollo said quickly. Ares scowled, but he stayed quiet.

"I think I'll take the name Luna," Artemis said cheekily. She was glad that they were going to Goode. Her lieutenant was there. "It means 'moon', and since I'm the moon goddess, I think that's appropriate."

"I'll be Johanna," Athena said. She was thinking about Joan of Arc.

"Fine," Hades muttered. "I'll be..." He paused.

"Try something inconspicuous, like Adam," Athena suggested. Hades shrugged. "All right."

"I'll go for the name Cole," Poseidon said. Everyone stared at him. 


Poseidon shrugged. "Dunno. It sounds good." Athena rolled her eyes.

"I," Zeus said, "will be Victor." It sounded like a powerful name, so no one argued.

Hera sighed impatiently. "I don't really care. Lucille or something."

"Hermes," Hermes mused. "It kind of sounds like the name Jeremy, don't you think?"

No one thought so, but Hermes decided to stay with the name Jeremy.

Hestia was silent, but then she spoke, shyly, "I had always liked the name, Sophia." Everyone nodded approvingly. It was a quiet but pretty sort of name, like her.

Ares picked on his nails with a Swiss Army knife. "Uh, I don't know." He yawned. "Gary, maybe. It sounds athletic. Plus, it kind of sounds like the name Ares."

No one thought so, either, but they let it go.

"Charlie," Hephaestus said without hesitation. That was the name of his dead son. The ones who understood what he meant smiled at him sadly.

Demeter was last. She gave the matter some thought before saying, "Violet."

Poseidon's eyes lit up. "Hey, it's Percy!"

The son of Poseidon walked in the subway. His eyes were bloodshot like he didn't sleep much, which was weird since it was the first day of school.

He sat near the gods, but he didn't really notice them. He just nodded along to his iPod, which he wasn't even supposed to have. Demigods and technology didn't mix.

Then the subway stopped, and Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, walked in. She had a silver glow amidst her face, which most mortals probably wouldn't notice because of the Mist. She spotted Percy and grinned. Artemis frowned.

Thalia yanked off his earbuds and screamed, "Jackson!"

Percy yowled in surprise and fell off his seat. No one really cared because the subway was noisy.

"Thanks for the seat, Kelp Head," Thalia said with a smirk and sat on Percy's seat.

"Thalia!" Percy gasped, trying to stand. The subway lurched forward and he ended up falling on some random teenage girl's lap.

"Hey, watch it," the girl snarled, shoving his head away. The gods snickered, and Poseidon just laughed along good-naturally.

"Smooth, Perce, smooth," Thalia laughed. Percy's face was tomato red.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" he asked as he shoved Thalia out of the way and sat next to her.

"I'm going to school. You're in Goode, right?" Percy nodded.

"Lady Artemis sent me here to gather more Hunters," she explained. Then her gaze dropped to the floor. "We lost a lot in the Titan War."

"I'm sorry," Percy said sympathetically. Thalia shrugged. "So, how's Annabeth?"

Percy's face turned a deeper red. "H-how should I know?" he stuttered.

"Ooh, defensive now, are we," Thalia chuckled. "C'mon, aren't you two together or something?"

Athena glared at Poseidon and Poseidon glared back, while the gods sniggered even more.

Percy rolled his eyes. "How the heck did you hear about that?"

"I have my ways," Thalia said slyly. "Anyway, is Annabeth going to Goode, too?"

Before he could answer, a dark-haired, brown-eyed boy suddenly materialized next to them, making Thalia shriek this time.

No one seemed to notice his weird appearance. Maybe it was the Mist again.

"Hey, Nico," Percy said in surprise while staring in satisfaction at Thalia's horror-stricken face.

"Hey, Perce," Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades said, looking bright-eyed.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Thalia asked. "And where the heck did you come from?"

"Shadow-travel," Nico explained. "I'm actually getting better at it. Oh, and Dad told me that maybe it was time for me to go to school. I think that's partly because of Demeter. She keeps on nagging him about how pale I'm getting from spending too much time in the Underworld."

Demeter glared at him, then Hades.

Suddenly, Percy stiffened. "Hey, the Big Three kids together? Is Kronos planning something?"

"Chill, Percy," Thalia chided. "There aren't any golden deer or hellhounds."

"And I shadow-traveled myself here," Nico added.

Meanwhile, the Olympians were getting pretty worried. More monsters might hunt them. After all, their scent is powerful.

"So, are you a freshman, Nico?" Percy asked. 

He nodded.

"I'm a junior," Thalia said. Percy's eyebrows raised. "Really? So am I."

"Oh, great," Thalia mocked a groan. "I'll be seeing you today. And anyway, aren't you supposed to be a senior?"

Percy chuckled. "Thals, you're like five years older than me."

"Well, I don't look like it, huh?" Thalia smirked. Then she turned to Nico. "I guess you're my cousin, too. Neat, hanging out with my cousins."

Nico laughed.

Then the teenagers began to go out of the subway, and the Olympians knew that they were at Goode High.

Okay, so some suggestions, please! Do you think Annabeth should suddenly appear in Goode or not?

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