Preparations, the God Style

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Ms. Gurls POV

Hera and Demeter were both sleeping soundly when...


They both sat up, looking scared out of their wits.

Hera tried to sit up, but she only succeeded in falling off her bed. "What in Hades!" Demeter shrieked.

"What?" a voice yelled from the next bedroom.

"Be quiet, Hades," Poseidon's voice grumbled. "It's a Saturday!"

"Ow," Hera moaned from the floor. "I think I just crushed my skull!"

"Can you all SHUT UP?" Ares roared from his bedroom.

"Ares! Stop yelling or I'll pierce your face with my arrows!" Artemis shouted. "I'm honestly trying to sleep!"

Apollo's voice shouted. "KILLER WHALES! AHHHH!"

"Whales are the largest mammals in the whole world," Athena droned from her bed, half asleep. 

"They feed on planktons and kelp. Orcas are widely known as killer whales in the oceans..."

Zeus covered his head with a pillow. He couldn't stand it anymore. "Everyone! Family meeting in the kitchen!" he bellowed. 

"And stop shouting!"


The Olympians entered the kitchen, glaring daggers at each other.

Zeus sat on one of the kitchen chairs and frowned at everyone. "All right," he said. "What was all that shouting about?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Athena grunted. "I was peacefully slumbering, and then you called this meeting, which I find abhorrent and completely unnecessary."

Zeus stared at her incredulously. "You didn't hear any noise?"

"What noise?" Athena snapped.

"Whoa," Poseidon said. "You're probably one heavy sleeper."

Hermes snickered. "That sounds so wrong, Uncle."

"What?" Poseidon asked, confused.

Zeus sighed and tapped his fingers on the table. "People, honestly. I just want to know why you insist on destroying a peaceful day, when I could be asleep."

"Don't you know what today is?" Aphrodite gushed. She was actually the one who started screaming in the first place, but given everyone's moods, she decided not to tell them. "Today is the day of the dance!"

They all stared at her uncomprehendingly.

"The dance?" she prompted impatiently. She pantomimed a waltz move.

"Oh, yeah," everyone said in unison, suddenly remembering.

"So... I have to make you all look gorgeous!" she said. "You know, seeing that you're all incapable of it..." She glanced at Apollo pointedly.

Well, excuse me," Apollo said, self-consciously covering a mustard stain on his pajamas. "I am gorgeous enough on my own, thank you very much."

Aphrodite smiled. "Really, Apollo? Do you have a date for the dance?"

Apollo stared at her for a second. "No," he muttered.

"You see! I can help all of you." She took out a mega-sized planner and started flipping through it. "Artemis, Athena, and Hestia, you're going with me for manicures, pedicures, and foot spa at ten-thirty." She scanned her list. "Demeter and Hera, I'm going to take you shopping. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, you're coming with us on the shopping trip."

Artemis scowled at Aphrodite. "Foot spa? Why? My feet are perfectly fine!"

"Oh, you're just as delusional as your twin," Aphrodite sighed. "Artemis, dear, your feet are heavily calloused. Plus, they have those terrible—"

She didn't get to finish because a plate was suddenly flying in her direction.

After prying Aphrodite off Artemis, they all settled down. Aphrodite continued with her list. "Apollo: facials at two-thirty. Hephaestus and Hermes: shopping at three. And Ares..." She studied her list. "Everything," she proclaimed.

"What!" Ares exclaimed.

Aphrodite shook her head at him "You're going to be my date right? I need you to look at least half  as glamorous as I do." Ares nodded numbly.

"So we're done here?" Aphrodite clarified. She stood up and slammed her fist on the table. "Let's move people! We have one busy day ahead of us!"

She used her most powerful charm speaking. With glassy eyes, they all stood up and marched to the showers.

When they left the kitchen, however, Artemis pulled her brother aside. "Killer whales?"

Apollo looked at her indignantly. "They're scary! Really scary!"

Artemis stared at him for a moment. Then she walked to the bathroom and slammed the door.


Annabeth sat up on her bed, feeling strangely giddy. She wondered, What day is it today?

She flipped through her calendar. "Oh, yeah," she said out loud. "The dance."

Thalia lifted her head from the couch. "Annabeth?" she asked. "Why are you up so early?"

"We're gonna have the dance today, Thals," Annabeth said. She giggled uncharacteristically. "My first dance with Percy." She collapsed on her bed in a heap of giggles.

Thalia stared at her with her eyes wide open. "Okay..."

"Did someone call me?" Percy asked, entering the room.

"Percy!" Thalia snapped. "We could've been doing girl stuff!"

Percy raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"Oh, I don't know..." Thalia said, pretending to think about it. "DRESSING UP?"

"Jeez," Percy huffed. He stood by Annabeth's bed and smiled at her.

Annabeth peered at him from under the mass of blankets. "You look really hot today," she muttered. Then her eyes widened when she realized that she said that out loud. "Uh, I mean, um, it's really hot today!" She flung her blankets off and started fanning herself, like a crazy person trapped in a desert.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Who are you and what have you done with Annabeth?"

Nico walked in, rubbing his eyes. "What's for breakfast?" he asked.

"Hey, Nico," Percy smirked. "I heard you got a date."

Nico's face turned into the color of an overripe tomato. "H- How did you find out?" he stuttered.

"You were mumbling in your sleep last night," Percy said. "Something about a girl named Millie?"

"Lily!" he corrected, then started blushing again.

"Aw," Thalia said, getting up and ruffling his hair. "Guys, our little Nico is growing up! He's blushing!"

"No, I am not!" he protested. He looked around desperately. "It's just... really hot today!"

"Heard that one before," Thalia smirked, shooting a look at Annabeth, who stuck her tongue out at her in response.

"Kids!" Mrs. Blofis called from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready! I made blue waffles!"

"Yum!" Nico said, glad for an excuse to escape. He ran out of the door faster than a rocket.

Percy stuck his elbow out at Annabeth like an old-timey gentleman. "Escort you there, my lady?"

"Enchanted, my lord," Annabeth said nonchalantly, looping her arm with his.

"Shut up or get a room," Thalia gagged, looking pretty grossed out.

Together, they went down for waffles.


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